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Business Leadership

Essay Instructions:
Directions: In up to 1,300 words, create a plan to help achieve your business leadership potential. Components of this plan and presentation should include: 1. Discuss your assumptions and beliefs as a leader. Discuss how these have changed or evolved while studying business planning and development. You may refer to business gurus such as the CEO of Starbucks and provide a synopsis of what you have learned from that individual. 2. Create a personal mission statement including talents and abilities you possess. 3. Discuss and define how you will use the strengths you currently posses to become and effective business leader. 4. Include the theories of leadership and models that inform and support your philosophy of leadership, and the reasons for these as your focus. 5. Identify and discuss key short term (next 6 months) and medium term (next 2 to 3 years) goals and define the type of activities that you will do to achieve these goals. The goals must be business orientated and may discuss anything from starting a business to obtaining a job in management in some particular industry. 6. Discuss whether gaining financial independence is important. Create a budget for yourself. Show the cash inflows and outflows in your budget. 7. Research and discuss least five potential financial investments you might make to help accomplish your goal of becoming a business leader. Calculate the future value of the investments using the estimated interest rates you anticipate for each investment. Discuss how planning for financial growth will assist you in become a business leader. How will it help you start other businesses? How will it help you to manage a business. 8. Establish a timeline for each element of your business leadership plan and plot your goals and supporting activities along the timeline. 9. Define and discuss how you will build accountability into your plan. Who will support you? How can you hold yourself accountable from swaying from your plan? 10. Define and discuss your ideas of how you will incorporate technology as a means to enhance/strengthen your leadership style (be sure to include a discussion of why technology and the appropriate use thereof is essential). You may discuss social networking and how you intend to build and protect an online reputation. 11. How will you measure your leadership? What metrics will you put in place? Think of goals and specific objectives. 12. Please provide a summary of what you want to accomplish as a leader: for yourself, for those you work with and for, and for the wider society. Please include a discussion of social justice. 13. Please plan for building a way of thinking that helps you continue to practice the continuous process of critical reflection. - Good introduction, - Excellent of citations, especially with regard to leadership styles, potential investments, and social networking. - Clear and accurate referencing (according to the Harvard system) - Clear and logical explanation and discussion - Clear reflection on the items listed in the assessment - Good business English - Independence of thought and originality - Good conclusion - Style and Presentation of the report
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(August, 03 2012)
Business Leadership
Businesses are an integral part of humanity. Their development is assured since there are people who perceive a need in society and act upon the need. This group of people is known as leaders and it provides direction in an organization. This study will look at business leadership, its challenges and characteristics.
Any leader has a certain characteristic that makes him a leader in a given aspect. I believe leadership is about understanding the task at hand and putting measures in place to enable the achievement of the goals. With deep understanding, it becomes easier to identify opportunities and any threats that may face a business. The Starbucks chief leader has shown exceptional understanding about the task assigned to him and this has led to growth of the organization to its current state (Gallo, 2011). This means that leadership is about understanding a problem, finding solutions to the problem and taking any opportunities that the leader comes across.
Personal Mission
As a leader, it is vital to set out to achieve a certain goal. A business enterprise that will be profitable requires careful planning, sufficient resources and able leadership. I, therefore, aim to develop my leadership skills so that I may enhance business performance. I plan to be the best leaders in the industry buoyed by my exceptional people skills, planning ability and courage. With these characteristics and my ambitiousness, I believe I will provide good leadership to a business organization to increase profitability, employee satisfaction and shareholder value maximization.
Employees are a vital part of any business. With emerging opportunities and demand for skills, an organization may find it hard to retain employees. However, a charismatic leader ensures that employees will be satisfied by working for the organization in their various capacities. This will lead to motivation of the employees and, in turn, increased productivity for the organization. Planning enables an organization to allocate its resources such that all employees will be provided with working tools. This skill will be vital in the development of leadership as it will improve efficiency in the organization, especially in decision making hence improving organizational performance.
Leadership Theories
Transformational leadership ensures that all people in an organization are psyched up for the changes that may be implemented in the organization (Winkler, 2009). This means that a charismatic leader can be considered a transformation leader since he can be able to inspire employees to work harder while improving their wellbeing at the office. It is notable that even quality employees need to be motivated to improve productivity. Such a leader is, therefore, expected to motivate workers, come up with feasible ideas and develop the organization with the help of the employees. It is for this reason that this theory is seen as best in representing leadership in an organization.
Mid and Long Term Goals
Leadership is experience enables a person to develop his leadership skills. I plan to look for internship in a business organization that will enable me utilize my leadership skills. This will provide me with a background of business leadership before I launch my own organizations in 2 years time. The experience acquired during the internship period will play a significant role in the development of my new organization as I will have learned the challenges that coming with leadership in a business environment. Furthermore, the organization will benefit from my skills and I will be able to sharpen these skills as a business or organization leader.
Importance of Financial Independence
Financial independence is an important aspect of the business entrepreneur and forms a basic component for assessing the performance of a business. When financial independence is achieved, this means that a person can be assured of income since the liabilities of the person are lower than his income. If I earn $5,000 a month, with employees being paid $1,500 and basic amenities costing, in total, $1,500, I will have a ...
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