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Personality profile

Essay Instructions:
For writer Robert only. Personality Profile Introduction: To begin our journey toward learning how to become a more effective leisure functioning individual, it is essential to look within ourselves to discover why we think and behave the way that we do. We will achieve this by examining the topic of personality, particularly our own, for information on what drives our perspectives and our choices. Your paper should reflect some insight into your personality and what you learned from the experience of researching this topic. A thesis statement in your introductory paragraph and a conclusion are expected, as well as proper font, formatting and grammar. Instructions: Complete the Keirsey Temperament or the Keirsey Character (will be copied at the bottom of the page)Sorter. In Web CT, see “Web Links” – “Personality Profile” Make a copy of the Profile provided to assist you in the creation of your paper. You do not have to attach the actual document to the assignment. Your paper should be no less than 500 words, written and referenced in APA format. Refer to the syllabus for guidelines on writing papers.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personality profile
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Personality profile
From the results of my two tests, my personality type can be well discovered because the characteristics of a guardian and those of an ISFJ have similarities. Guardians are perceived to be the basis of every society as they are mandated with the duty of preserving and serving significant social institutions. Guardians can also be termed as being sensitive and caring to the people they are guarding. However, they are seen to be having a God given talent in management of services and goods on behalf of the other members of the society. When problems arises in the families they are in, and in other social institutions, they act as judges and they are entitled with the responsibility of making decisions on behalf of the children and this is more so in their families. This is what was evidenced by the two tests. It is also clear that in the society, they are respected and valued by the juniors as they are seen as custodians of wisdom due to their age. Therefore, this profile seeks to examine my personality and my roles in the family and in the society.
My personality profile
My personality type is a guardian/ISFJ and my role in the society might not be noticed as the things I do seem to be my duty. By this I mean that, the children have in their minds that it is the responsibility of their guardian to take care of them and give them basic needs and this is the reason why some children do not appreciate what their parents do for them because they take it for granted. I am patient and a good listener as I have to listen to all what the children o...
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