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Personal Leisure Time Study

Essay Instructions:

You will be doing a personal leisure time study. You will track all of the time you spend participating in leisure activities. It needs to be for an entire week (7 days.) You need to state the activity, how long you participated and how you felt during and after the activity.

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Personal Leisure Time Study
Leisure activities have been regarded as a way to bridge the gap between physical health and the overall well-being of a person (Paggi, Jopp, & Hertzog, 2016). Often, with the hustle and bustle of daily life, people find themselves to be fatigued due to work or other responsibilities. Studies show that leisure through different recreational activities provides many benefits to human health (Paggi et al., 2016; Auger, 2020). It has been determined to have significant positive effects on the physical as well as the psychosocial wellness of a person (Pressman et al., 2009). I will monitor my personal leisure time personally for one week in this study. This activity aims to determine how much leisure time I spent in one week and how the activity affected me.
Activity Log
Day 1 – Sunday
For today, I had very few chores to do, so I spent my day reading and playing some video games. I spent about two hours reading and about a total of three hours on video games, broken down into three different sessions throughout the day and night.
Day 2 – Monday
My schedule was packed today, and I only got to have leisure time when I got home when my niece and I played a video game on her console. I spent about 40 minutes playing with her then I had to do some chores.
Day 3 – Tuesday
We went to mini-golf today in the afternoon, and we spent about two to three hours there playing.
Day 4 – Wednesday
My responsibilities were canceled today due to a technical error in the system. I had nothing else to do, so I played video games for a while, about five hours. I did no other leisure activity today other than that.
Day 5 – Thursday
I was able to purchase a new set of books today, and I was excited to open them. As a general habit, I wrap my soft-bound books in plastic book covers so they don't get damaged because I bring my books everywhere. I spent about an hour wrapping my new books, and I considered this leisure because I enjoy wrapping. My niece also hung out with me today, and we played some board and video games for about two hours in the evening.
Day 6 – ...
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