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How to Stop Coronavirus Pandemic and What Are the Solutions?

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COVID-19 is the latest pandemic to hit the world, and its devastating effects are still being felt all over. It still remains unclear how human beings contracted the dreaded disease, but it is believed to have originated in Wuhan, China (Guest, 2021). The first case was detected towards the end of 2019, but its full-blown effects were felt in early 2020 as it spread at a terrifying rate. The pandemic has occasioned great panic and changed the world for good. Without a doubt, the pandemic’s sheer magnitude has caught many nations flat-footed and ill-prepared. As such, it has wreaked untold havoc and insurmountable problems, particularly in the health and financial sectors, with experts developing different solutions to stop the pandemic.
There have been huge problems in the health sector caused by the pandemic despite the achievement of major advancements over the years. By its nature of being a contact disease, the disease spreads like a bush fire because one patient could infect others in a matter of hours (Guest, 2021). As such, medical facilities were stretched to the limit in record time. At the beginning of the pandemic, many hospitals were flooded with patients seeking medical attention, and within no time, hospital wards were full to near bursting. The medical fraternity was overwhelmed, and most of them were forced to work odd hours. Others contracted the disease from the patients they were treating. Ultimately some, including the Chinese doctor who first raised the red flag, lost their lives while combating it. The effects of the pandemic have, by extension, given rise to other ailments such as mental illnesses, among others. The disarray in the health sector has certainly been very pronounced.
The problems experienced in the health sector have forced stakeholders to brainstorm in search of solutions. After putting their heads together, medical experts have come up with a variety of protocols that people need to observe to stem the wanton spread of the pandemic. First, they have introduced preventive measures to slow down the prevalence rate. Some of these measures that have been introduced the world over include the mandatory wearing of face masks while in public. People are also encouraged to wash their hands using clean water and soap regularly. Social distancing has been another directive issued to minimize contact between one person and the other. Governments have worked hand in hand with medical experts mainly by providing financial incentives and constructing more hospitals where possible. They have also ensured the availability of clean water and sanitizers in public places. Ultimately, experts have managed to come up with the much-awaited vaccines, thereby breathing a new lease of life into almost everyone. Respective governments have provided these vaccines for free to their citizens besides staging campaigns to encourage vaccination.
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