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Personal Leisure Profile

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Leisure Activities
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Leisure Activities
In my understanding, leisure time is the free time one is not occupied or working; The time that an individual is neither at school and could result in activities such as listening to music, having a healthy conversation with friends reading, and recreational activities. Thus recreational activities refer to activities people choose to refresh their bodies and make their leisure time more enjoyable. These recreational activities are hiking, swimming, camping, bowling, and dancing. Both leisure and recreational activities vary from one individual to another depending on their personality, interests, and emotions. Therefore leisure activities are activities people undertake in their free time. Leisure and recreational activities can be performed solely by an individual or in a group.
Current Activities
Notably, I am involved in dancing class every Thursday evening. I am a passionate dancer and have wanted to dance professionally from a younger age. I made a goal this season to join a dancing school and commit to it. Therefore every Thursday afternoon, I am psychologically prepared and motivated to join the class. I have witnessed a tremendous change in my dance movements. I am more responsive to modern dance moves, which are well choreographed with a touch of Ballerina.
Also, I am practicing chess game with my elder brother as a front game. I watched the Queen's gambit television series and was inspired and excited to try it out. Even though the game is complex and requires a lot of mental engagement, it makes me feel challenged to think outside the box and spend more time with my brother. He is an advanced player, and I am always happy to challenge him. Further, in Queen's Gambit series, chess is depicted as a sophisticated game only understood by the elite and competitive when well mastered. I now relate to chess vocabularies such as threefold repetition, castle, rook, stalemate, and check. The pieces keep attacking as long as the king is well protected in the battle.
Also, I love listening to country and rock music. Listening to music lift my spirit and give me a new sense of purpose and voice to resonate with. While listening to music, I enjoy reading a good comic or fiction book to expand my imagination. I have made a personal goal to read at least one book every two weeks. This helps keep my mind engaged, and on Saturdays, I meet with my friends for a coffee and catch up.
Motivation for Leisure participation
In addition, I am highly competitive and always push myself to be the best. Thus in my free time, I will try new moves and exercises to keep my body in shape and ensure I remember. However, playing chess with my brother strengthens our bond and mastery of the game. Therefore, I aim to be the best in chess someday and perhaps give it a trial in a chess tournament. Other individuals can be motivated to stay healthy and in shape by exercising, jogging, or even running. Others engage in leisure activities for intellectual purposes, body image, and stimulus avoidance depending on the goal.
Constraints of leisure activities
However, leisure activities sometimes are faced with barriers that are either structural, intrapersonal, or interpersonal. In my case, occasionally, limited time affects my participation in leisure activities such as attending concerts of my favorite dancers. In addition, the shows a...
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