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Popular Culture Magnified by Technology

Essay Instructions:

Select and answer TWO of the following essay questions and use full paragraph and sentence form to answer each of them.

1. Popular culture is magnified by technology. Drawing on as many examples as you can from the course, discuss and explain this statement.
2. The history of popular culture in the Western world is really about an economic system and the consumerist values associated with it. In your own words, and drawing on several examples from the course, explain the role of capitalism in the development of popular culture in modern era, and list some of the ways in which the social sciences and humanities have explored the topic of consumer culture.
3. Popular culture packages and sells identity. Drawing on as many examples as you can from the course, discuss and explain this statement.

Please restrict your responses to 500 - 1000 words per essay where possible. Be briefEssays will be assessed on the following criteria:

Critical Analysis: use of examples, connection to course materials, use of precise language and key terms to explain points - 4 points
Syntesis: a separate element of critical analysis where students identifies and bridges theoretical and/or thematic elements of the course together into a synthesized or integrated argument and also makes broad and insightful connections. 1 point
Grammar and structure: paragraphs and sentences are written well enough that the reader (Professor Robinson) can understand the central argument or point, and that the strcture is logical and helps build your argument - 1 point
Short Answer Portion - 5 answers x 2 points each = 10 points
Select FIVE of of the following terms. In a short paragraph (5 - 7 sentences), summarize, define, and explain what each term means in in the context of popular culture. Consider formulating addressing the 5 Ws in your answer.

1. Culture jamming
2. Spectacular consumption
3. Intersectional identity
4. Content moderators
5. The Barbie Liberation Organization
6. Cyborg
7. Commodity fetishism
8. Consumer culture
9. Obsolesce
10. Convenience

Students will be graded on the basis of the following criteria per answer:

Answer explains and describes the term in precise terms drawing on key terms and theories from the course (1 point)
Answer contextualizes the term in the context of popular culture (1 point)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Popular Culture: Discussion Questions
Your Name
Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Popular Culture: Discussion Questions
Popular culture is magnified by technology. Drawing on as many examples as you can from the course, discuss and explain this statement.
Popular culture refers to a set of beliefs, practices, and objects that embody broadly shared meanings of a social system. It includes entertainment & leisure, trends & fashion, linguistic conventions, and consumption habits. According to O'Brien & Szeman (2018), popular culture is like a native mother tongue: something people know how to speak without resorting to guidebooks, courses, or lessons. Another aspect of popular culture is that many people across extensive geographical areas practice it. Unlike high culture, which was predominantly reserved for elite individuals in society, popular culture encompasses all members of the society, making it popular in the first place. However, the ability of popular culture to influence many people depends on the extent to which people are connected to technology. In essence, technology is central to the magnification of popular culture.
According to the Canadian theorist Marshal McLuhan (1964), technology, as an artistic medium, has greater material significance than the message it contains. This view highlight technology's impact on shaping a society's consciousness. In essence, technology not only creates new forms of entertainment but also changes individuals and societies by rewiring the means of engaging with the world (McLuhan, 1964). Technological inventions like the radio, photography, film, TV, smartphones, and the internet, along with their accessories, have all influenced consciousness and, therefore, culture. In terms of popular culture, these inventions are responsible for spreading beliefs, practices, or worldviews about issues like consumption, fashion trends, consumer behavior, and daily activities. Since technology connects many people, it influences the rate and extent to which more people become part of popular culture.
In linguistics, for instance, the word bro, loosely translated to brother, is among the most used slang today. More importantly, despite modern feminism's despise of male-oriented acronyms to refer to all genders in public discourse, bro is used across cultures where even women and girls use the same to refer to each other. Central to the global prevalence of this slang is the internet and social media, which highlights the role of technology in magnifying popular culture. Thus, for theorists like McLuhan, the message is not necessarily the most crucial aspect of technology in shaping culture. Instead, it is the technology itself, its ability to support the sprout of new ideas and circulate the ideas or messages to the broader audience, making technology a vital force within popular culture.
The combination of video, audio, image, and photography capabilities, combined with social media and the development of applications, for example, fueled the growth and prevalence of the selfie and filter cultures that are popular worldwide today. The selfie and filters cultures, in themselves, are also evolving into new forms of cultures like pursuing ultimate beauty through makeup, plastic surgeries, or photographic concepts. In this aspect, technology plays a role from the innovation of ideas that would influence popular culture to their spread across multitudes. In essence, popular culture would hardly exist were it not for technology in the first place.

The history of popular culture in the Western world is about an economic system and consumerist values. In your own words, and drawing on several examples from the course, explain the role of capitalism in the development of popular culture in the modern era. List some of how the social sciences and humanities have explored the topic of consumer culture.
Popular culture is often associated with either folk culture or mass culture and differentiated from high culture and institutional cultures. According to Kidd (2021), its association with mass culture provides the context in which the position of popular culture can be contextualized within a capitalist economic system. From this point of view, popular culture is a set of commodities from a capitalistic process driven solely by the profit motive and sold to consumers. O'Brien & Szeman (2018) further add that capitalism enables the production of popular culture. It does this by enabling certain kinds of technological innovations, by informing some versions of popular culture (like hard work and success), and disabling others (like the need for collectivism). As a commodity, popular culture also influences consumption. It influences what is considered trendy or desirable, differentiation between class, and consumerism.
Having coffee, for instance, is a famous phrase of modern times and has m...
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