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Personal Essay: Concentration to Important Matters in Life

Essay Instructions:

If possible, please incorporate this paragraph inside the paper. It doesn't have to be exact words, but the idea should be there:
I am the kind of person that picks the exact flavour of ice-cream every time I stop by at an ice-cream store. I am the kind of person that only favours cookie and cream flavoured ice-cream. In fact, I would get mad at my mother when she suggests me to try out a new flavour, such as peanut butter jam or blueberry cheesecake. I don’t call myself an ordinary and boring person. I call this, super concentrated to one beloved thing.
Because this is personal writing, it should be very descriptive and audience can imagine the scenes by reading the rich language. Also, the structure should be describing a specific event and then goes to talking about a personal value that the writer values.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Writing
This morning, while going to the dormitory after the morning classes, I took the longer route walking through the grassier, meandering parts of my school compound. My main objective was to create a little more time so that I would meditate about my mother. There is only a small window for me to make phone calls home because my school administration only allows students to talk to their parents when it is very necessary. I, however, try talking to my mother every time I get a chance. Sometimes, I often feel frightened being away from my family and talking to my mum makes me feel like being closer to her. Whenever we talk, I share with her about my current life, the new experiences and my desire to go back home.
Today’s thoughts about my mother were brought by a number of pictures I saw in my photo album that we took with her during my last days at home before I left for school. These photos remind me of those affectionate and nostalgic mother-daughter moments. In one of the pictures, my mother and I are sitting on the couch in our sitting room. The fabric of our couch is pale-brown and has red flowered print. The wall behind is covered with brown wood paneling. My mum is wearing a blue patterned dress and this seems to match perfectly with her surroundings. I am seated next to her glittering and relaxed with a khaki dress that I had picked randomly from the wardrobe.
Have you ever had someone very important and influential in your life? I have. The most powerful and authoritative person that I know doubles as the most important human being, my mother. She is caring, loving and she has influenced me to be the person I am today. She is my role model. My mum has played a very vital role in my development and she has also provided me with what every child need to succeed in life. This photo reminds me of the wise counsel I got from her several days before I left for school.
She provided me with several unforgettable insights and wise words which have always had an impact on me ever since. First, she taught me about family. She insisted that establishing a stronger family connection helps in developing a moral character which is crucial in building a bond between the family members. She told me an emotional story about her mother, my grandmother, which I had never heard of. She said that when I was three years old, that is thirteen years ago, my grandmother was diagnosed with aphasia, and gradually she lost her ab...
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