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An Analysis On Various Scholarly Articles

Essay Instructions:

Essay on the article below, Approximately, 500 words and keep in mind the rubric.  

John Calvin, "Ecclesiastical Ordinances" (Geneva, Switzerland), 1533Influenced by earlier reformers including Erasmus and Luther, John Calvin (1509-1564) emerged as a dynamic and important Protestant leader in the 1530s. Born in France but later moving and working in Switzerland, Calvin's ideas and theology influenced the rapid spread of new Protestant denominations in the Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland, The Netherlands, England, and France. Puritanism in England and the Huguenot movement in France were both based on Calvin's theology. The "Ecclesiastical Ordinances" were a clear statement of Calvin's beliefs and practices of the Protestant movement he led in Switzerland. The inhabitants of Geneva approved them by vote where they became governing articles.

Source: Hans J. Hillerbrand, ed., The Protestant Reformation (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1968), 173-178.

Of the Frequency, Place and Time of Preaching

Each Sunday, at daybreak, there shall be a sermon in St. Peter's and St. Gervaise's, also at the customary hour at St. Peter, Magdalene and St. Gervaise. At three o'clock, as well, in all three parishes, the second sermon.... 

On work days, besides the two sermons mentioned, there shall be preaching three times each week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. These sermons shall be announced for an early hour so that they may be finished before the day's work begins. On special days of prayer the Sunday order is to be observed. 

To carry out these provisions and the other responsibilities pertaining to the ministry, five ministers and three coadjutors will be needed. The latter will also be ministers and help and reinforce the others as the occasion arises. 

Concerning the Second Order, Called Teachers

The proper duty of teachers is to instruct the faithful in sound doctrine so that the purity of the gospel is not corrupted by ignorance or evil opinions. We include here the aids and instructions necessary to preserve the doctrines and to keep the church from becoming desolate for lack of pastors and ministers. To use a more familiar expression, we shall call it the order of the schools.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
An Analysis On Various Scholarly Articles Student Name Professor Name Literature And Language February 17, 2019 John Calvin's advocacy campaign for Protestantism started to exist due to his realization of society's need for more liberal religion. Calvin viewed Roman Catholicism as a religion that restricted people's liberty to adhere to whatever beliefs and practices they desire. Calvin sees Roman Catholicism as the main culprit in most people's discontentment in life. Because Roman Catholicism restricts people's liberty to be more liberal in general, people who practice this religion may feel they are not living life freely to the fullest. Calvin started to advocate for the spread of Protestantism in Europe, particularly, in Switzerland. This was likely because Europeans are the people in the world who are the most discontented with the adherence to Roman Catholicism. Europeans practice liberal cultural values. Therefore, they are not contented with being restricted in adhering to beliefs and practices that they desire and choose. The author of the second article did imply that regular religious sermons are significant in order to retain the faith and devotion to the Lord. Attendance to regular holy sermons is pertinent in maintaining people's devotions to the Lord. If people do not attend regular holy sermons, they tend to stray away from loyally devoting their faiths to the Lord. The teachers of preaching need to be selected by the strictest guidelines qualifications. Selecting teachers of preaching leniently shall place the quality of the sermon teachings at risk of delivering inaccurate knowledge and non-valuable lessons to sermon attendees. Preaching teachers who have not acquired meaningful learning in holy practices are likely not able to deliver preaching and sermons that devotee...
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