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Alexander Hamilton, The Three Schuyler Sisters, and Declaration of Independence of America

Essay Instructions:

1. In 1-3 sentences, summarize who Alexander Hamilton is and where he came from i.e. did he grow up rich? Where did he come from? How did he end up in NYC? [Song 1: Alexander Hamilton]. (For a live performance of this song see https://youtu.be/ZPrAKuOBWzw?t=536)2. In 1-3 sentences, summarize who Aaron Burr is and his relationship to Hamilton. What similarities does he have to Hamilton? [Song 2: Aaron Burr]3. What event are Hamilton and his friends beginning to plot in My Shot? That is, what are they talking about doing? [Song 3: My Shot]4. Who are the three Schuyler Sisters? What are Angelica’s complaints about the Declaration of Independence? [Song 5: The Schuyler Sisters]5. How does King George react to the Declaration of Independence? Does he give in or does he fight back? [Song 6: Farmers Refuted & Song 7: You’ll Be Back]6. Who becomes George Washington’s, Right-Hand Man? At this point, who is winning the war? [Song 8: Right Hand Man]7. Who does Hamilton duel with? What were they fighting over? [Songs 14-16: Stay Alive, Ten Duel Commandments, Meet Me Inside]8. How did the Revolutionaries win the war? Where does the war end (after what battle)? [Song 18-20: Guns and Ships, History Has Its Eyes on You, Yorktown] (For a live performance of Yorktown song see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWZy3zRbBHI)9. How did King George react to America gaining independence? Did he believe that the new nation would survive on its own? [Song 21: What Comes Next?]10. What profession did Hamilton and Burr do after the war? What did Hamilton do to try to get public support for the new Constitution? Was Burr supportive of the Constitution? [Song 23:Non-Stop]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. In 1-3 sentences, summarize who Alexander Hamilton is and where he came from i.e. did he grow up rich? Where did he come from? How did he end up in NYC? [Song 1: Alexander Hamilton]. (For a live performance of this song see https://youtu.be/ZPrAKuOBWzw?t=536)
Alexander Hamilton was born in New York on January 11, 1755/57 and died on July 12, 1804. He was the New York representative to the constitutional convention in 1787. He was also the main writer of Federalist papers as well as the first secretary of the treasury of the United States. He was brought up by a single mother after his father abandoned his family while he was just eleven years old.
2. In 1-3 sentences, summarize who Aaron Burr is and his relationship to Hamilton. What similarities does he have to Hamilton? [Song 2: Aaron Burr]
Aaron Burr was a former vice president in the United States of America in the early 1800s. The vice president had a very bitter relationship with Alexander Hamilton which at one time resulted in gunshot confrontations and later resulted in the death of Hamilton. This was among the most personal conflicts in the history of the United States. Aaron Burr was also as violent as Hamilton having been involved in various other duels before his encounter with Hamilton. Additionally, they were both revolutionaries.
3. What event are Hamilton and his friends beginning to plot in My Shot? That is, what are they talking about doing? [Song 3: My Shot]
In my Shot, Hamilton and his friends are plotting on a revolution against the British rule. They are against the Monarch administration and are plotting on how they will or can mobilize Americans to revolt against the British.
4. Who are the three Schuyler Sisters? What are Angelica’s complaints about the Declaration of Independence? [Song 5: The Schuyler Sisters]
The three Schuyler Sisters are Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth Schuyler, and Margarita Schuyler Van Rensselaer. Angelica complaints...
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