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Week99: Carney “Unending Hunger”

Essay Instructions:

Read Carney, Unending Hunger pp. 1-98. Answer each of the questions below. Each answer should be one single-spaced paragraph of between 150-200 words. Use times new roman font in size 12.

Q1. According to Carney, why is food insecurity a form of "structural violence."

Q2. Based on what you have read, discuss the importance of feeding as care work. How is it simultaneously a source of women's subordination and empowerment?

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Week99: Carney “Unending Hunger”
Week99: Carney “Unending Hunger”
Q1. According to Carney, why is food insecurity a form of “structural violence?”
Carney views food as more than just dishes, but rather as good memories, love, and notably good motherhood. However, women stories in “unending violence” reveal how the challenges they face such as unemployment, long hours of work, poor wages, abusive husbands, and insecure housing constraint their efforts of feeding their children. As a result of such challenges, women experience a sense of inability to feed and care for their families. However, this situation is even worse for women with families in their home countries due to unfavorable immigration policies. In terms of food distribution to the vulnerable, food agencies engage in what Carney terms as “paternalistic:” food is distributed unevenly targeting U.S.A beneficiaries rather than the migrants (p, 4). Also, the stresses of food insecurity that women experience are compounded by the vulnerabilities presented by the racial societies they migrate to (p, 10). As a result, they have to deal with psychological and physical torture due to unauthorized legal status. Therefore, food insecurity i...
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