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Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 3 – Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook Read the case found in Chapter 8 and prepare a four to five (4-5) page response to the following questions: 1.Agree or disagree with this statement and provide reasons for your response. “If you have regular conversations with people, and they know where they stand, then the performance evaluation is maybe unnecessary.” 2.Compare and contrast the possible effectiveness of the social network performance review to the following age groups: veterans, baby boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y. 3.“The biggest payoff of these social network style tools may prove to be better performance by the boss.” State whether or not this statement justifies the time and cost of implementing these systems and provide a rationale. 4.O'Toole states: “It has been said that Americans are increasingly overworked.” Discuss whether social network type evaluations aid or hinder the overworked American. Justify your response. The format of the report is to be as follows: -Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format. -Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response -In addition to the four to five (4-5) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor's name, the course title, and the date.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Facebook Media Enhances Performance Reviews in Organizations Name: Course Title: Professor: Institution: Date Due: Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc332033509 \h 22.0 The Need for Regular Communications in Enhancing Performance Reviews PAGEREF _Toc332033510 \h 23.0 How Face book Media Enhances Performance Reviews in Organizations PAGEREF _Toc332033511 \h 34.0 How Performance Evaluation through Facebook Can be of Benefits Workers PAGEREF _Toc332033512 \h 45.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc332033513 \h 5References PAGEREF _Toc332033514 \h 6 1.0 Introduction In accordance to Dutta, (1999) the process of employee performance reviews in organizations is a very important undertaking for the organizations development. Dutta further explains that performance review as a "formal discussion as well as a documented process involving managers, HR and even top management about an employee's development and performance". Dutta argues that if regular performance reviews can be executed effectively, it can reflect an organization's strengths and weaknesses, employee work habits and conduct and the general development of the company in terms of service delivery, output and market expansion. This paper evaluates on how face book media can aid performance review measures. It is divided into the following areas: The need for regular communication in enhancing performance evaluations, how face book media enhances performance reviews in organizations, benefit of face book performance evaluations to an overworked American and the final part is the conclusion. 2.0 The Need for Regular Communications in Enhancing Performance Reviews For an effective employee Performance review, regular communications between employees and the management is a crucial element. Robinson, (2002) articulates that performance reviews are among the difficult tasks that are feared by many managers. This may be attributed to the fact that many workers do not like to be reviewed with regard to their work performance. Hence, the managers also fear to lose good terms with the employees under review. Another note of the upheaval is that in order to obtain a true reflection of the employee performance, Managers ought to go through many reviews, and hold discussions involving the workers. Through this system, the managers can be able to provide relevant corrections and criticisms with regard to employee work performance. Such criticisms in many situations may or may not be received favorably among the workers. Braniac, (2002) observes that a new approach for the employee reviews is creating openness among the employees and ensuring free conversation with them on the importance of working effectively and efficiently not only for the company`s benefit but also for their own good. In other words, employees should be made to understand that the organization`s stability depends on their overall performance and output. 3.0 How Face book Media Enhances Performance Reviews in Organizations In the present world of technology evolvement, Social Media have had a great impact in many aspect of humanity. In essence, Social Media has gained a new purpose at the same time as technology has become available to everybody, everywhere at anytime. This has shown in; The ability to r...
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