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How Can People Balance Their Social And Personal Lives For Well Being? (ENGH122)

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Balancing Social and Personal Lives For Well-Being
Shuxiang Zhang
Christine Bobal: Adam Greenberg
February 21th
Essay - How Can People Balance Their Social And Personal Lives For Well-Being?
In this fast growing world, people are trying to balance and manage their personal and social life in various ways. In this competitive era, it becomes hectic for an individual to maintain social, personal and professional life at the same time. Most adults can recognize that their school or work life violates their relationship or family and vice versa. However, the ability to balance professional and personal life can help a person increase productivity and reduce burnout. This balancing act requires careful planning and preparation, but it is possible. It is highly important to realize the matter of fact that people living in this time period are inhabitants of the fast going century and for most of the people, a great challenge is maintaining a balancing between social and personal life (Deci & Ryan, 2008). When considering a well-being of a human it is imperative to mention the two key concepts as hedonic approach which emphasises on happiness and the eudaimonic approach focuses on self-realization. The balance of social and personal lives of a well-being can be effectively balanced through implementing various concepts.
The word "balance" causes panic among those who continue to dream of a free life. However, many people find it difficult. The best way to rediscover the balance between social and personal life is to focus time and attention on what can be controlled. It is significant to focus on a person’s conceptualizations of happiness in order to rectify the presence of positivity and negativity in an individual’s life. However, the aim of the paper is to identify the ways in which people balance their social and personal lives for well-being along with the emphasis on the term ‘happiness.’ Furthermore, this paper will entail an in-depth analysis based on the ways of balancing social and personal life, impact of happiness and conflicts which arises.
Social and personal life can be defined in numerous ways and terms. It has been considered that there is a great significance of balance in everyone’s life. The toughest phase of growing an individual’s career is not dealing with professional seniors and daily demands; thus, it is prominently finding value and time for one’s personal life. It is hard sometimes to draw the line between career and personal lives when the lines blur so much with our own work. In order to be the best at work, it is important to find balance in career and personal life. Similarly, it is imperative to maintain the level of happiness along with social and personal life. Positivity can be observed in a person's life when there is a perfect balance. Deci, et al (2008) has also emphasised on hedonia and subjective well-being while mentioning “SWB has been associated with the hedonistic approach to well-being…” They have considered well-being as subjective because it is interpreted to mean high level of positive affect and negativity is observed on low level. From an overall perspective, a person's positivity has a great influence on his life and personality. On the other hand, negativity has a great impact too. Pressure on the balance of family and professional life is associated with the mental health of parents, employees, but its impact goes beyond these problems. In fact, people who survive the conflict between these two areas of life think that their physical health is worse than the rest of the same age group. However, there are several ways to improve mismanagement and maintain a balance between social and personal life. For instance, time management, changes in habit, creating effective plans, embrace hyper-efficiency, and there should be a great understanding of a person’s social and personal priorities. It concludes that there a person can balance one’s life effectually while implementing key techniques.
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