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Influence of Pele On the Game of Soccer and His Aid in The Evolution of the Game

Essay Instructions:

Analytical Paper Assignment 
Your paper will be based upon a person of significance in the sport of soccer. This person does not have to be a current player. It can be an owner, agent, official with an organization (anyone associated with the game) 
This paper is worth 10 % of Your Final Grade
The due date for this assignment is November, 1st
The paper will be between 3-5 pages in length 
Double spaced using Time New Roma or Arial 12 pt Font 
The student must use APA while writing this assignment 
A minimum of four appropriate sources must be utilized while completing this assignment 
In this paper you must answer the following questions:
1. How has this person influenced the game of soccer or aided in the evolution of the game;
2. How is this person in question viewed within the soccer community;
3. How the person in question can be seen by the general public; and
4. What this person will be most remembered for.
You can also add any additional information which makes your individual standout
Player l would like to have this essay written about is Pele!

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Influence of Pele On the Game of Soccer and His Aid in The Evolution of the Game
Course Title:

Influence of Pele On the Game of Soccer and His Aid in The Evolution of the Game
Pele, is certainly one of the most influential soccer legend in the game’s history. Pele, whose real names were Edson Arantes de Nascimento, was born in October 1940 as the first child of his parents (Stillwagon, 2001). With his father a soccer player, Pele took his first lessons from him and thus participated in various teams during his youth. He often did odd jobs in his childhood to raise some money because of the poverty in his family.
Through his numerous accomplishments, Pele greatly revolutionized the game of soccer making it the leading game worldwide. Pele was blessed with an amazing soccer talent with his own style of the game, which led him becoming a leader to his team that made three consecutive wins between 1954 and 1956 (thefamouspeople.com, n.d). He has become a hero to many youths making them to strive much in their soccer exercises and practices looking at him as the standard figure. In the game of soccer, Pele portrays that even from a humble background, one can achieve their life goals through determination and hard work. Currently Pele is still regarded by past and present players as being pivotal to their success in the soccer field. Some of them acknowledge that his success motivated them to improve their soccer skills (biography.com, 2016). Through the presence of Pele in the soccer industry, investor noticed the importance the game of soccer game as an avenue of investment through the use of advertisement.
The People’s Perception of Pele within the Soccer Community
People regard Pele as a legend and a hero as far as the game of soccer is concerned. In the soccer community, many people acknowledge that his accomplishments on the soccer field would never be equaled, and almost all great players in the sport are gauged against Pele who once made the world stop to watch his unequaled play. The soccer community regards Pele as an icon because of the revolution he installed in the soccer world, making many youths cherish the game of soccer targeting to emulate him. To emphasize his involvement in the community life, although Pele has spent more than a quarter of a century since his last competitive game, a lot of the crowd gathers around him whenever he visits any country (Kirby, n.d.).
The Public Perception of Pele
Pele generates a lot of respect and love from the public both in Brazil and internationally. For instance, In Nigeria, a two-day truce was declared in the war with Biafra so that both sides could get a chance to watch him play. In another instance, the Shah of Iran hung on for three hours at an airport just to speak with Pele (Kirby, n.d.). In addition, a survey in the early 1970s showed that the name Pele ranked behind only Coca-Cola as the most popular brand in Europe. The remarkable thing about Pele is that his reputation was able to go from generation to generation, something rare in Brazil culture which is known of forgetting their idols (Baibich, 2010). However, Pele managed to remain significant in the media therefore, maintain the image he had at his peak. He had always interacted with the community and the three areas in which he constantly devotes his time and struggles to develop are in fields concerned with education, health, an...
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