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Exposition Essay / Discuss the Steps Needed for a Math Test

Essay Instructions:

In order to complete this essay follow the steps
Construct a five to six paragraph essay: Introduction paragraph, three to four body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Please remember that each body paragraph must be well developed and contain specific evidence relevant to your thesis. Typed double spaced.
Topic for exposition essay:
Process Essay:
Discuss the steps needed to prepare for a math test.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Preparing for a Math Test
If one were to ask any student what is the most difficult subject in school, the answer one will receive will almost always be "Math". The problem is not because Mathematics is more difficult than other subjects. Rather, it is because Math is taught badly in school, and students are unable to develop an appreciation for the subject. What few people realize about Math learning requires different skills compared to other subjects. Even the way it has to be studied is different because it is not simply knowledge-based. If one wishes to do well on a Math test, then the best way to do it is to start early.
Math is not more difficult than other fields. Just ask a dancer, who is trying to learn a new choreography, or a web developer trying to discover a bug on a website. People find Math difficult because it is easy for a person to realize when a Math problem is too difficult. With other tasks, people can still say, "I simply have to keep practicing" or "I have to slow down so I understand the basics steps", but with Math, one immediately gets to sense when they are in over their heads. When this happens, frustrations start to seep in, and people forget that Math is just like any other task, sometimes they have to keep practicing, or that they have to slow down and breakdown the problem to smaller steps in order to get the right answer.
It is difficult for many people to keep striving in understanding Math because in the first place, schools teach math in a way that kills creativity and imagination. Teachers expect rote learning from their students, and everyone is expected to learn it at the same time. Students having trouble with Math are forced to take Math tutorials, forcing them to accept that they simply cannot do it, hence leading them to hate the subject. This compounds the problem because students lose the drive to learn Math simply because it is drab and uninteresting. In many cases, students choose to skip school altogether just to stay away from Math problems, but Math skills take time to form. Each class builds on the previous ones, so mastering the basic skills is important in order for a student to become effective in class. Miss one class and the student is at a disadvantage. But miss a week, and then he is in trouble. Every class is important because it gives the student the opportunity to solve the problems assigned and get support in case they are stuck.
Math skills are different from other subjects because they deal with the abstract, especially with Advanced Math. Take for example Einstein’s formula of relativity, E=mc2, one is prompted to ask, how did he get to this formula without using any numbers? And how were scientists able to develop the nuclear weapon just by using this formula? This is what we mean when we say that Math is not knowledge based. Unlike subjects like Sci...
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