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Peer Review on the Social Media Strategy and Campaign Project

Essay Instructions:


One effective way to learn theory and practice is to try sharing your knowledge with others. In this assignment, you will do just that by partnering with a classmate to complete a peer review of the final course project (the Social Media Campaign/Strategy draft).

Your assigned peer partner will be posted in Weeks 9 + 11 details on Blackboard (under Announcements). In addition to sending your partner a copy of your own project draft, you will review your partner’s project draft by applying the project rubric. You will provide written feedback that your partner can use while revising for their final submission.


  1. Review your partner’s draft in Word review or .pdf comments and complete the following:
  • Identify/highlight writing errors (editing/proofreading).
  • Identify any areas of writing that where your peer’s message/meaning is not clear. Offer suggestions for improvement.
  • Review your peer’s draft using the final project rubric. Provide comments and a score for each category.
  • Provide your overall assessment of the project by considering the following question: How well does the proposal “hang together” as a pitch for how the client should move forward?
  1. Submit your review to Blackboard using the link above. Your submission should include your comments on the peer draft and the rubric.


Your peer comments not only highlight your own knowledge about course concepts, they should provide helpful, actionable feedback for your classmate to revise their final project.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate your peer review:

  • Your writing comments will help substantially review
  • Your comments address all the components of the final plan rubric.
  • Your comments are both substantive and critical and will improve the final quality of your peer’s work.

PLEASE use the rubric below to GRADE my partner’s DRAFT and ALSO write comments:

Introduction For the Paper

Over the course of the semester, you have had the opportunity to explore your client’s strategic goals and create elements of a social media campaign. The purpose of this project is to synthesize through a complete social media strategy and campaign that you design for your client.

Your submission should be written, and 10-12 pages in length (TOTAL - this includes cover page, calendars, reference page). You may use any template you would like or you can create your own format for the project.


Use templates to develop a social media strategy/campaign plan for your client. Remember from our readings and course materials: campaign development should always follow strategy. You should begin by establishing a clear picture of your client’s overall strategic mission, and then create the context for the integration of social through a situational analysis.

Next, you will detail the results of social monitoring on behalf of your client. Establish the client’s communication objectives (which should support the client’s strategic plan) and identify the current target audience.

This foundation should lead logically and persuasively to your proposed use of social media as one component of the client’s communication plan. Detail the overall social approach, including channels and key messaging. Then, conclude with a specific campaign proposal. This campaign should include SMART objects, sample content, publication calendars, and metrics for assessing campaign outcomes.

Each of these topics has been covered during one or more weekly lessons this semester.

Thus, your submission should include  the following:

  1. Introduction to the client (history, mission, vision, brand identity, corporate goals)
  2. Situation analysis (social/political/economic landscape, current publics, target audience)
  3. Social media monitoring
  4. Communication objectives ( a minimum of two)
  5. Campaign proposal (including proposed channels, sample content, SMART campaign objectives - a minimum of two)
  6. Editorial/Social calendar (no less than 2 months, no more than one year)
  7. Metrics

Remember that sections 4,5, 6 & 7 should include a “Justification” overview or summary that grounds the content of the section in course content/readings and/or your analysis of the client and their situation.


Your proposal should be submitted as a Word file or .pdf. It should be no more than 12 pages in length, and use design elements that would be appealing for your client. This means that your proposal should incorporate images, figures, tables, etc. when relevant and when those components can highlight/enhance your proposal message.

Your proposal font should be 12 point in size. Margins 1.5”. Generally, all text should be double-spaced (use 1.5 or single spacing only for style/emphasis).

Your proposal should be proofread and edited for style, grammar and clarity. All citations should be created in APA format, and this proposal should include a cover page, headers, page numbers, and a table of contents.

In sum, this is a professional communication plan proposal. What you submit should reflect the quality of work you would want to have if you submit the proposal to an actual representative of your client team.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Peer Review
Peer Review
The social media strategy and campaign project is well done, even though some elements need to be improved so that the work meets all the requirements. Some of the improvements that need to be made are editing the work to make it clearer and easy to follow the ideas. A major issue is the lack of level headings and colors for the subtitles. I think the subtitles should all be in black rather than blue so that the paper looks better. There is a need to have first, second, and even third-level headings to make it easier to follow the major and minor paragraphs in the paper. Some of the common proofreading errors that you could iron out include removing redundancies and changing the infinitive words. Other errors include punctuations, whereby some sentences are missing commas, and other sentences need punctuation.
Most of the work is clear, and I can understand the message. However, I feel that you could make improvements, such as adding a thesis statement so that I can get an idea about what has...
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