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Historical analysis of "The Bacchae"

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3page historical analysis of "The Bacchae", explaining what this source teaches us about the roles the Greeks thought reason and religion should play in society.The Bacchae By Euripedes English Literature -

1st page:

1st paragraph: The author and their background, the genre of the source, and your thesis.

2nd paragraph: The macro-context of the source. Events taking place when this source was written and how they support your overarching argument about the source.

2nd page:

1st paragraph: The micro-context of the source. Places and events referenced in the source itself and how they support your overarching argument about the source.

2nd paragraph: Themes of the source that support your argument, provided direct examples of viewpoints on reason and religion

3rd page:

1st paragraph: 2nd major theme or example

2nd paragraph: 3rd major theme of example

4th page:

1st and 2nd paragraph: Explain why this source is important for understanding ancient Greek society:

"If the Ancient Greeks thought X and Y about the relationship of reason and religion what sort of society was this?"

Make sure you use footnotes! Any papers without footnotes will receive a ZERO for plagiarism

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Paper on "The Bacchae"
Name Course Instructor Date
Write a 3page historical analysis of "The Bacchae", explaining what this source teaches us about the roles the Greeks thought reason and religion should play in society. The Bacchae By Euripedes English Literature -
Euripedes was one of the three great Greek tragic playwrights of antiquity, along with Aeschylus and Sophocles. Bacchae by Euripedes focuses on Dionysus, a young god who was rejected as a divine child, and divine beings had rituals performed in their honor. Unlike his fellow playwrights, he did not focus too much on the mythical figures and touched on his own human experience for the Greek tragedy and other works’ characters and plots. Religious and moral values are closely linked in ancient Greece where the gods affect people’s lives and the environments as they were made happy to help people, but punished them when unhappy. Dionysus inspires followers’ deep devotion, but he gets violent when the king fails to accept and recognize his divinity.
Bacchae was written around 400-410 BCE/ BC, while the playwright was in Macedonia when the leader strengthened the military power. At the time, the Peloponnesian war was still going on between Athenians and Spartans. The Spartans were increasingly gaining power in place of the Athenians during the time, and there was a change in the political and economic power of ancient Greeks. The Athenian audience is introduced to the play where failure to accept Dionysus has dire consequences as he decides to punish those who question his divinity after his mother had died. His aunts did not accept his divine nature. The gods rewarded those who pleased them and punished those who did not, but they were also flawed, just like human beings. Euripedes was a stranger in Macedonia, who brought knowledge and wisdom, and Dionysus was considered a stranger, but he was not accepted.
2nd page
In the beginning, Dionysus mentions Lydian and of Phrygian and Persia as far away places and other locations such as Helene lands, while Thebes is his place of origin. Bacchae is an ancient Greek tragedy where the gods where Dionysus disguises himself as a young mortal and tells his history and wanted revenge while at the palace. Dionysus, son of Zeus and the Theban Semele, travels the world to make himself known as god. He reaches Thebes, where Agave (Theban princess), sister of Semele and mother of Penteus, king of Thebes, has denied his divinity. Dionysus revenges against King Pentheus of Thebes and Agave for their refusal to worship him. As a god in a mortal form, Dionysus, there is a focus on loyalty, respecting the gods, and doing what is right.[The Bacchae By Euripedes, line 17]
The tension between the gods and mortals is closely linke...
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