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"I Have a Dream " speech by Martin Luther King

Essay Instructions:

Who was each author's intended audience (MLK/Mark Antony)? How does this affect the authors' messages, respectively?

Resources to use:

1) Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream Speech

2) Watch Damian Lewis's speech as Antony in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. (If you are not familiar with the context of either the MLK or the Shakespeare (both are very famous speeches that many will have read in high school or at some other point in time), do a bit of research)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking
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Critical Thinking
The immediate audience for the "I Have a Dream " speech by Martin Luther King was composed of the March on Washington attendees. Over two hundred thousand of these civil rights demonstrators originated from both black and white races. Furthermore, the "I Have a Dream" speech was transmitted on live Television, so the speech was seen and heard by Americans worldwide. President John Kennedy also heard the event, and it is believed that it was one of the reasons that prompted him to begin advocating federal legislation on civil rights.
Martin Luther King tries to convince his audience to join him in expanding freedom of rights to all Americans in a movement. Martin Luther King uses a variety of strategies to convince his audience to join his movement. In his voice, much of the methods he uses derive from his religious upbringing, his father being, as he was, a priest. Martin Luther King also uses the dignity and liberty of America against them to make them think they are discrediting their right to freedom for which they had to fight so hard. Since the audience was seeking freedom, he includes it in his speech (Stewart & Sweetman, 2018). Through the various speech delivery techniques, the messages seem to resonate well with the audience as they clap after every pause MLK makes. Another technique he uses is the tone, gesture, the intensity of voice, and the focus on the essential words and phrases in his voice (Wolfram et al., 2016). King's first tactic is to use the Declaration of Emancipation against the white American people, which is that every man should have equal rights. The message of hope and freedom resonates well with the...
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