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Book of Songs II Reflection: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

After a discussion with the professor, we decided to focus on the first five poems the next week (#1, The Ospreys Cry, #3, Cocklebur, #6, Peach Tree, #26, Cypress Boat, #35, Valley Wind). You can pick two or more to compare or analyze and share your “close reading,” focusing on elements that you are interested in.

Here are suggested prompts you can reference: What are the natural elements in the poems? How do poets connect natural elements to human figures in the poems? What kind of interpersonal relationship is demonstrated (romantic, social, or political relationship)? What are the personal emotions that are aroused?

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Book of Songs II Reflection
Name Course Instructor Date
After a discussion with the professor, we decided to focus on the first five poems the next week (#1, The Ospreys Cry, #3, Cocklebur, #6, Peach Tree, #26, Cypress Boat, #35, Valley Wind). You can pick two or more to compare or analyze and share your “close reading,” focusing on elements that you are interested in.
#1, The Ospreys Cry
The Ospreys Cry, the first poem, mentions, the noble lady and the gentleman where the man sought her day and night, but failed to get her. The title of the poem implies that the Ospreys Cry bird is crying. The images from the poem are nature and description of the noble lady. There is an osprey, an island in the river, and water plants. The male bird is calling the female bird in a river islet where song and music likely attract the female bird to the male bird just as the nobleman would sing for the noble whom he deems fit for a lord like him. In the romantic relationship, the young noble seeks a bride why is fit for a home like the shy noble lady. The poet juxtaposes images of nature with the subject of love begins with the bird’s cry followed by mention of the noble lady as a fit bride. The poem about love is more like a marriage and courtship song, which mentions the virtues of the noble lady or queen
#3, Cocklebur
The natural elem...
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