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Negative Effects of Time Planning

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poor time management causes: wasting time, unhealthy lifestyle, low quality of learning.

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Negative Effects of Time Planning
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Negative Effects of Time Planning
Do you always feel there is always no enough time for you on anything? Do you always feel time run so fast that you even don’t realize? One of the most important resources human beings have is time. Nowadays more and more people are suffering from poor time management and they never realize that this is happening to them. Poor time management is the biggest problem right now. The time people have on this planet is limited and it is significantly important that it is utilized effectively. However, due to numerous reasons, people often find themselves short of time as they fail to meet deadlines and even postpone events. People should start to pay attention to time management since poor time management will lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, wasting a lot of time, and low quality of learning.
First, an unhealthy lifestyle is really harmful to our lives, and poor time management is one of the huge reasons. Poor time management can result in unhealthy behaviors. If one plans their time well, it is no doubt that they will set aside time to engage in healthy activities such as cooking homemade food or working out. It takes proper time management for one to engage in a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, poor time management is a barrier to people living a healthier life (Montanaro, 2019). With poor time management, one is bound to eat takes outs, which are generally unhealthy. Furthermore, it is unlikely for one to engage in regular workout activities, which are necessary for leading a healthy life. It is important to note that lack of exercise and junk foods are associated with serious health conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Therefore, poor time management can be harmful to one’s health.
Second, poor time management wastes a lot of people’s time. In the world we live in today, there are a lot of distractions that can take up a lot of time if someone is not careful. Acco...
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