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Paired reading Lit Review

Essay Instructions:
******PLEASE SEE THE COMPLETED FILE. under the definition I need to add explain why it is a current trend?****** and i need to add how did other authors defined the paired reading THAT IS ALL THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR THIS PAPER. Write a literature review on the chosen topic. You should structure your paper so that it consists of: - an introduction where you state what you are going to write about, - a well-developed body where you use your own words to: define the approach explain why it is a current trend list its benefits & drawbacks - a good conclusion where you summarize the findings of your literature review. It is possible to include quotations that you will explain, however these should be short. I will not accept a report heavily loaded with quotations. This is not the aim of this paper. While searching for the literature, try to limit your search to publications from 2008 to 2013; however if you find extremely interesting material that goes earlier than 2008, it is ok to use it. In your report, I would like you to consider what does the literature say about your chosen topic only. (Needless to mention here that you have to use the APA style for in-text citations and references) The paper should be between 1000 & 1500 words in Times Roman, 1.5 space between lines. Please mention on the top of your paper how many words you have written. The rubric used to assess your paper includes: - Content - Organization, and - Language I'm going to attach the sources Individual paper 10% Write a literature review on the chosen topic. You should structure your paper so that it consists of: - an introduction where you state what you are going to write about, - a well-developed body where you use your own words to: o define the approach o explain why it is a current trend o list its benefits & drawbacks - a good conclusion where you summarize the findings of your literature review. It is possible to include quotations that you will explain, however these should be short. I will not accept a report heavily loaded with quotations. This is not the aim of this paper. While searching for the literature, try to limit your search to publications from 2008 to 2013; however if you find an extremely interesting material that goes earlier than 2008, it is ok to include it. In your report, I would like you to consider what does the literature say about your chosen topic only. (Needless to mention here that you have to use the APA style for in-text citations and references) The paper should be between 1000 & 1500 words in Times Roman, 1.5 space between lines. Please mention on the top of your paper how many words you have written. The rubric used to assess your paper includes: - Content (5pts) - Organization (2.5pts), and - Language (2.5pts)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature review on paired reading
The main goal of education stakeholders is to improve education standards through improved literacy levels in education. Paired reading is gaining acceptance in education circles as a strategy towards improving student’s reading ability for weaker students. Students who read proficiently typically succeed in all subjects. This is because there is a link between reading ability and literacy (Topping et al., 2011). Paired reading has been identified as one of the approach that is effective in improving both fluency and literacy. Proponents of paired reading state that it can facilitate positive thoughts on reading, leading to more independence in reading.
Paired reading
Paired reading is a learning process whereby a student, with guidance from a teacher, tutors another student in learning a skill or a concept. In most cases, it involves pairing weaker students with stronger students in the learning. According to Topping et al (2011), pairing weaker students with stronger students in reading text and reading aloud independently, simultaneously or in tandem improves reading. There are different approaches to paired reading like class wide peer tutoring and cross age peer tutoring. In class-wide peer tutoring pupils at the same level help each other to learn while in the latter; the tutor is usually older or at a higher level of learning than the tutee. Peer tutoring represents assisted learning where children work with their fellow peers using a specified curriculum, and this approach is helpful as it improves the self esteem of learners (Miller et al., 2010)
This approach of reading is applicable with readers who lack fluency and competence of normal readers. Generally, the approach involves learners reading aloud to each other or less fluent readers being paired with fluent readers when reading. Students can also be paired with older learners who monitor them as they read through, then help them out where they get stuck.
The most commonly used methods, are the class-wide peer tutoring and cross age peer tutoring. Class-wide peer tutoring involves having readers at the same level of learning. The teacher here pairs students who are fluent with students who are less fluent for the tutoring (Ashmore, Farrier& Chu, 2011). Reading instructions are largely given out by the teacher with each student’s participation.
On the other hand, cross age tutoring involves the use of a tutor who is older than the tutee mostly two years older. In this method, the pairs choose their own books or other learning materials that are of high interest to them – particularly the learner. However, the material must be above the level of the learner but not above that of the tutor. When the tutee makes a mistake, the tutor waits for some few seconds for self correction. If the learner does not get it, the tutor demonstrates the correct way and has the tutee repeat it correctly. Cross age peer learning can also be combined with home learning where you have the tutee learn even at home (Ashmore, Farrier & Chu, 2011). This may involve parental guidance on the materials that the learner is to read. The parent will then have to send a report to the teacher after the specified duration of time.
Research shows that readers who struggle in reading require repeated readings to improve their reading fluency. While giving the reader support from a partner, paired reading provides such an opportunity. It also produces strong gains in both reading accuracy and comprehension. This has seen many learning institutions employ the approach to help pupils who are not able to learn with the pace of other pupils. In recent years, technological advancements have kept children away from books and most of their free time is spent on gaming consoles and other electronic entertainment. This does cause an apparent decline reading and in literacy levels (Topping, 1995). Learning institutions are using this approach to help pupils with difficulties in learning at the same time engaging pupils in learning.
Benefits and drawbacks of paired-learning
The most apparent benefits of paired ...
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