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Assignment 2: Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Due Week 9 and worth 250 points
Most states regulate their health departments by city or county. Search for health department regulations for food service facilities that are closely related to the location where you reside. Focus on possible challenges to the restaurant industry, such as health department regulations and requirements, social concerns, competitive issues, and / or demographic and geographic issues.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
Determine the challenges involved in managing a restaurant operation that are specific to your state or local municipality, as well as how you would address those challenges.
Determine the impact of computerization on food service and lodging operations in your state, particularly in the areas of reservations, accounting, personnel management, and the recording of sales transactions. Consider the quality of technology infrastructure in your state and the degree of technology usage by potential customers visiting or using these services within your state.
Analyze the interdependence of food service, lodging, and meeting segments of the hospitality industry and make two recommendations for how the synergy between the three could be improved, using examples from your state to illustrate your case.
Consider how these segments can improve their relationships between one another and how they can combine their services in order to be more marketable in your home state.
Determine the likely consequences of the introduction of gaming entertainment into your state, or if your state already allows gaming, the impact of significant economic expansion of the segment upon other segments of the hospitality industry.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not quality as academic resources.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the basic procedures involved in managing a restaurant operation.
Determine the impact of computerization on food service and lodging operations, particularly in the areas of reservations, accounting, personnel management, and the recording of sales transactions.
Analyze the interdependence of the food service, lodging, and meetings segments of the hospitality industry.
Discuss the nature of and the various activities related to gaming entertainment.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in hospitality and tourism management.
Write clearly and concisely about hospitality and tourism management using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric can be found here.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
For the past two decades, the tourism and hospitality industry has undergone through dramatic changes and it is still experiencing them, thanks to technological improvements. In this paper I will address some of these changes. First, I will begin by addressing some of the challenges that the industry is facing and how they can be handled based on my state, Texas. Some of the issues facing most restaurants are social concerns, competition, regulatory, or demographic issues. Secondly, I will look into how the impact of computerization in lodging and food service in Texas, especially in accounting, reservations, and recording of transactions. Thirdly, I will address the quality of technology infrastructure available in my state and the type of technology utilized by customers. Additionally, I will analyze the interdependence of food service, lodging, and meeting segments and recommend how these interactions can be improved in the industry. Lastly, I will give my opinions on the consequences of implementing gaming entertainment and the effect of economic expansion of other sectors of the industry. I will try my best to provide honest and evidence-based opinions.
Restaurants around the world experience various challenges each day and if not well addressed may lead to the closure of the restaurant. These challenges can be explained from political, economic, social and technological perspectives. These four perspectives are important when addressing the challenges affecting any sector of the economy since they have a big impact on the overall performance of an organization. Therefore, the hospitality and tourism industry is not an exception to these factors. Secondly, it is important to consider other tools such as the SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces analysis. In this paper I will conduct a PEST analysis.
The industry experiences a continuous change in regulations by the government. Some of these regulations are concerned about the food safety, food and hygiene standards. Those restaurants that do not adhere to the new regulations risk being closed or fined. The government has also set out some policies which all restaurants must fulfill such as operating licenses for certain foods and training levels of the certain employees. The restaurants get certified by food departments and are under regular inspections conducted by health and food ministry personnel who determine whether the restaurants observe the set out policies (Brooks, 2011).
This factor influences the rate of capital in an organization and the rate of interest. Also, the rate of inflation also is a challenge to restaurants. High inflation rates increases the prices of commodities and services in the economy which in return reduces the number of visitors visiting the restaurants. This implies that the prices set by the restaurants are directly related to inflation rates in the country.
This is related to the eating habits of people, which affect the marketing decisions. The big challenge that most restaurants face is the number of people who are in need of the services. Majority of the restaurants that get opened tend to close down after few years due to few people visiting them. This affects the profitability of the restaurant. This is influenced by eating habits of the residents, there are those who like eating out once or twice a week while others do not like eating out at all. Therefore, determining the number of people who will visit the restaurants is a big challenge.
An organization...
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