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English III Writing Assignment: The Story Of King Lear

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay in which you analyze the role that setting and character play in driving the plot events in a fiction story from the Part 2 readings. Poetry or nonfiction will not work for this assignment. The essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, be 1-2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Please save your essay as a Word document and submit as an attachment to be graded.
• Choose a story with elements that are clearly or strongly related. For example, you might choose a story with a plot in which the setting is crucial.
• Briefly summarize the story, describing the setting(s) and the major characters.
• Analyze the ways in which setting is essential to the plot of the story. For example, in an adventure story the plot events might hinge on severe weather conditions, high altitude, or heavy snowfall.
• Analyze the ways in which the main characters are crucial to the arc of the story. For example, a reckless climber might take a risk that becomes an inciting event that drives the entire story's action.
• In your conclusion, summarize how the author's choices in creating and developing characters and establishing setting impact the sequence of events in the story.
Analysis is the practice of looking closely at small parts to see how they affect the whole. Literary analysis focuses on how plot, character, setting, and many other techniques are used by the author to create meaning. Always be sure to discuss the significance of your observations to the theme(s).
Read the story several times. Take notes on its themes, characters, setting, plot, and so on. Be sure the notes include looking beyond the surface to the deeper meaning the author is trying to relay. Include how the author's message and the story's themes then impact setting, characters, plot, and so on. Analysis also looks at why the meaning is important.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

English III
English III
A tragedy is termed as the downfall of a noble individual; a hero is usually blinded by their great wishes that at times become unrealistic. The persistent nature to achieve their desires causes their downfall. William Shakespeare is known to have written tragic love stories; King Lear typically presents Shakespeare tragedies. King Lear is a story with themes of lust for power, greed, betrayal and cruelty.
The story of King Lear talks about an aging monarch who is blinded by his weakness. The king wants to divide his wealth among his three daughters based on who will show him, great love. Two of his daughter Goneril and Regan pretend to love him, but later turned out to be cruel to him after receiving their share. Cordelia, who is loyal, speaks the truth, but she was disowned by his father for not showing enough love to his father. The story ends tragically, as Cordelia dies and King Lear eventually dies due to frustrations caused by his actions.
The main characters in the story are used to reinforce the major themes of greed, and lust for power and recognition. As the story commences, King Lear flaw are evident, as he seems to value praises more than reality. The King believes that everyone, including his daughters needs to express their unconditional love, but his daughter Cordelia simply replies stating "I love your majesty /According to my bond and nothing less." The king expected much more than praise from his favorite daughter. However, Cordelia did not deceive his father, she simply expressed her love that the king misinterpreted and overreacted by banishing her.
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