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Evidences Against the Existence of Soulmates

Essay Instructions:

This one is for supporting idea and i already order for introduction. I want the same writer to write for me because I want one page introduction after 3 days and the supporting ideas after 10 days. This going to be a persuasive paper about a soul mate it doesn't exist. I chose this topic because most people believe on soul mate and I want to convince my reader it doesn't exist. i need one page introduction remembering to pick claims that not everyone already agrees with, that are arguable, that aren't strictly factual but based on soul mate it doesn't exist. Oh and they need to be a single sentence.

I need good hook and thesis statement, you can start with a quote which relate to the topic.

2. for the rest of 6 page use this P.I.E format on each paragraph. P.I.E means point, illustration and explanation.

- The point is one that YOU make – it should be your observation, your idea, YOUR VOICE.

- The illustration you use to support your point (either a quote or paraphrase) is the AUTHOR'S VOICE– you will be summarizing a specific section of the essay or quoting the author directly.

- The explanation is YOUR VOICE again: you are letting your readers know how the quote or paraphrase you've chosen shows your point, develops or connects to your thesis, and why it is important for your overall idea.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Soul mate It Doesn't Exist
Soul mate it does not exist
It is not surprising to hear people talk about soul mates; you will hear phrases like "you are my true soul mate; I am looking for my soul mate." All these are common exclamations have once crossed your mind. You have even heard people express either in real life or on television. Soul mate is an idea that has been part of our romantic society convincing people that there is someone made specifically for us. Many young people often believe that there is someone meant for them out there. All they need to do is to be patient and take their time.
I do believe that finding a soul mate is a tough task. How can there be someone out there waiting for you, if so how can you know that you have found the right person? Do people who look for soul mates eventually find them, if so do they live happily ever after? Finding a soul mate is looking for someone to settle down with, meaning that your future is predestined and choosing another partner other than the one who is meant for you is out of the question. Whether soul mates exist or not has been debated for a long time, but I do believe that soul mate does not exist.
The idea of soul mates is a common belief taught by the society whereby many women are brainwashed about love, relationship, and sexuality. Is there a perfect person specifically meant for each one of use and can we find the perfect partners to cater for all our requirements and satisfy all your needs for the rest of your life? Many women still believe in finding their soul mate, or a perfect partner; they look forward to the day the perfect partner will show up to fulfill all their life desires. Those who believe in soul mates have an unrealistic view and high expectations about love, relationship, and romance. Out of experience, meeting a perfect person is not possible, but at times, we feel deeply connected to someone we have just met. Such feelings make people believe to have found their soul mates.
Psychologists admit that it is possible to have a flame connection; meaning is possible having a very special relationship where there is an instant attraction of energies of two souls that connect over time or over miles and years. Such relationship does exist, but there is a possibility that the two souls will eventually be separated by natural forces (Vannier & O'Sullivan, 2016). Scientists have attempted to justify the idea of soul mate using different theories. According to Lyles Watson, human existence is as a result of two distinct forces, these are sphere forming warmth ether and raying out light ether. Scientists use the two theories as evidence to justify the existence of soul mates (Franiuk et al., 2012). All these are just theories that are yet to be justified.
Social scientist analyzes the idea of a soul mate as a way of individuals looking for emotional response and compatibility. Such people work on the assumption that there is someone one out there meant for them. They do not make such efforts in working on their relationship because they believe that things will simply fall in place (Springett & Springett, 2012). Out of experience, those who believe in soul mate are usually tirelessly searching for their partners, but when they find them, their relationship does not last long. In a situation when one finds her soul mate, they will be compatible for a while, it is only one party who is very keen on moving the relationship to the next level.
According to Wilcox & Wolfinger, (2016), people who believe in soul mate only stay in a relationship because they are looking for specific and unrealistic desires. When a problem arises those, who believe in soul mates may find difficult to cope because they believe in fantasy, they feel depressed and disappointed in life. Research studies have evaluated the impact of belief in soul mates and how it impacts on the actual relationship. Research confirms that those who believe in romantic soul mates look for compatibility and emotional responses similar to what they imagine. They think that people either click or not (Wilcox & Wolfinger,2016).
Such mentality is dangerous to relationships because, in any relationship, problems will arise. Soul mate believers imagine that their relationship should be perfect and if not they will look for it elsewhere. Such people look for a real match that is not easy to find their short-term desires (Hefner & Wilson, 2013).
The fact that research studies prove that people who look for soul mates are intensely passionate, and engage in short-term flings, I believe that finding such people with similar beliefs are common. Many people still think that love is like magic and its lasting illusion that is termed to be perfect (Hefner & Wilson, 2013). In any relationship disagreement, conflict and incompatibility need to discuss because there are no perfect partners. It takes time, more effort, and change to keep a relationship satisfying over time. Soul mate beliefs become upset very fast because they are uncommitted and base their relationship on illusions.
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