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Our 5 Most Popular Nonprofit Case Studies

Essay Instructions:

write a response to any SIX of Community Organizations resources from the list at the end of this instructions of articles, videos, and community organizations( for the community organizations you can find other than the list if it's interest you). You can also include any other resources which seem pertinent and relevant to this research interest, for example, such as recent TED talks or articles in peer-reviewed journals. Thus, for this assignment, each response to each selection is worth 5 marks, but I do grade this assignment holistically rather than giving a grade for each separate entry. Be sure to include bibliographic information and if it is an online source, the link as well.

NB for the SIX responses, you need to include at least three articles or printed resources (yes, even one of the books) ie they cannot be exclusively videos. This helps achieve a balance of format and content for you to consider.

I also suggest that you do not select any resources which you personally find weak or not valuable. The reason is that responses, which are highly critical, are often of poorer quality for some reason. Each response should be about two pages double-spaced or about 300-500 words in total.

Here are some guiding questions: b) what struck you first about the resource and why did this appeal to you? c) what new (or old) concepts are raised as arguments? d) what do you feel is the main argument? The primary strength? Are there any major omissions? d) are there any phrases or sentences which seem especially important? If so, share a quotation or two and explain why these ideas seem central; e) what specific correspondences, if any, can you find with other articles or research?; f) How does the article/reading/video change, modify or reinforce your own theories about education? g) How does it relate to, contradict, or inform your knowledge of teaching practice? h) What connections can you make with other articles outside the course which consider the same or similar topics?

Please note that you do not need to answer all these questions and you may find that you address other questions in your answer. Feel free to be innovative with the format e.g. you can respond to each differently, perhaps mirroring the style of the resource. This is not necessary of course: I just want you to feel inspired and creative if you wish. The primary aim is to see what you think in 300-500 (precious and well thought out) words on each resource. I will upload my prof gave us sample for this assignment.


FreeGeek (addressing the digital divide gap) Volunteer Toronto

Mosaic Homecare

North York Community house (online)

Alzheimer Society of Canada https://www(dot)mosaichomecare(dot)com/resources/community-links/ Ten organizations to consider for Giving Tuesday

The Education trust

Learning communities

Education nonprofis and Charities in New York


What are community organizations? Retrieved January 2, 2021 from: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watchv=9qPdHHZM9EA

Adichie, C.D. (2009). The danger of a single story. Retrieved January 1, 2021 from: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=D9Ihs241zeg

Asking hard questions as a non-profit organization Nov 28, 2021 at:


Demars, H. (2016). DIY Community building: leading with authenticity, heart and hustle. Retrieved January 5, 2021 from:


Lee, S.L. (2014). Community engagement through social media. Retrieved January 1, 2021 from: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=hZ7m17NKurA

Meslin, D. (2010). The antidote to apathy. Retrieved Dec 22, 2020 from: https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/dave_meslin_the_antidote_to_apathyrid=uJEVkOdqZBXT&utm_source=recommendation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=explore&utm_term =watchNow

Posner, J. (2012). Building community. Retrieved January 2, 2021 from: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=C0nM8l9qeGY

Thomson, S. (2016). Creating a community and finding purpose. Retrieved December 31, 2020 from:


Wilf, N. (2016). Building Community that creates exponential impact. Retrieved December 26, 2020 from:


The storytelling nonprofit

https://www(dot)thestorytellingnonprofit(dot)com/blog/the-ultimate-collection-of-non-profit- storytelling-case-studies/

Case studies:


https://www(dot)thestorytellingnonprofit(dot)com/blog/the-ultimate-collection-of-non-profit- storytelling-case-studies/

How Starbucks became an 80 billion dollar industry


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Formassembly (n.d). Our 5 Most Popular Nonprofit Case Studies
I chose the article because it is a case study that offers in-depth insights into nonprofits. It highlights some of the success stories from various nonprofits. For instance, a good example that caught my attention is Polaris that deals with fighting human traffickers. I was surprised that FormAssembly is a common method adopted by different organizations. For instance, "Polaris uses FormAssembly to handle service provider applications for the NHTRC National Referral Directory and the Global Modern Slavery Directory as well as feedback on the Global Modern Slavery Directory." I think this is something that community organizations could use to support home care services. Since this organization's mission involves addressing human needs and community and social interaction, it could rely on FormAssembly to improve the efficiency of the processes. Efficiency is important for a nonprofit since it ensures that more people will benefit from the activities. If the funds are wasted on administrative activities and other projects which do not directly impact the community, then it would not be difficult for the organization to remain operational since nobody gains. Something that caught my attention is that organizations like Keshet for collecting donations have also used FormAssembly, and it also supports customizations. The increased usage of the internet is why the FormAssembly tool is widely adopted and replaces paper-heavy processes. Nonprofits have to evolve with the times, which means using the internet and other online approaches to interact with the stakeholders. I also selected the article since it offers insights on new methods that community organizations can rely on since they are involved in different activities such as supporting community events, education, and providing care services. The mission revolves around providing cost-effective services and delivering high-quality services. Without such a tool, it would be difficult for community organizations to be sustainable while considering that they are nonprofit entities. All these are possible by integrating a tool like FormAssembly.
Crow, G. (2002). Community studies: Fifty years of theorization. Sociological Research Online, 7(3), 82-91.
I selected the article by Crow since it focuses on community development and some of the recent trends for the past several years. The source makes it clear that community studies are critical in community development. This ensures that researchers can use theories of social change to help understand some of the developments in communities and why they are occurring. Crow points out that "Community research has been prompted in part by the perceived deficiencies of such 'data-free sociology'" (p. 4). The traditional types of communities that were based on the family are now disappearing. This also means there is a need for more studies to determine why it is occurring and whether they could lead to the destruction of the community. The article reinforces my views about community building since it emphasizes the importance of community studies in theorizing changes in society. These theories also help to get more insights into the concepts of de-industrialization and globalization and how they affect people's lives. I agree with the authors that community studies can help flag up aspects in which evidence and theory do not align, and they help provide a comprehensive view of the social world and how it evolves. Communities can change, and the results from community studies have shown that there is a need to rethink the typical theories that support change. The article's strength is that it reveals that community studies have challenged the view that social change perhaps occurs due to deterministic forces. For instance, the theory of medicalization has often been an issue of contention since it is argued that people are not ignorant, fatalistic, dependent, or passive in the way that some radical and structuralists accounts imply. In the contemporary age, communities often evolve due to globalization and the pressures arising from industrial restructuring. Change is important since it leads to improved communities, and it is the principle that guides community organizations.
Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., Ondrik, K., & Sasges, M. (2020). Modes of being: Mobilizing narrative inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, 26(10), 1222-1232.
I chose the article since it focuses on analyzing narratives and how they are applicable in reframing education within communities and all institutions. The source contributes to one of the major themes I have noticed from the community building readings. Education is important, and I think supporting education should be categorized as a humanitarian effort. Without education, the community would have numerous challenges, such as a lack of skilled individuals working in the labor force. The quote, "curriculum and education as co-constructed, inquiry-based, and connected to service learning with the community," caught my attention since it suggests that a learning community depends on members of the community (p. 1223). These collaborative communities have to work together to document, study, and develop curricular enactment while depending on the resources obtained from the community. Narrative inquiry functions via various inputs of curricular-making inaction regarding the interactions, temporarily, and place. I chose this article since it also reveals that collaboration is important for community development. It relies on all partners who are positioned to contribute their unique perspectives and strengths. Multiple data sources can also be considered to reveal different accounting from participants, such as individual interviews, extensive field notes, classroom artifacts, and focus groups. All these sources of information are representative mediums that would be useful in the development of theory after the data is interpreted. By supporting education, I agree that this can change the community fundamentally. A school is a good step for a community that wants to develop. Creating such structures, which show the rest of the community ...
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