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Addressing the Issue of Alcohol in Society

Essay Instructions:

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Memo to decision maker

will be written to the mayor of California

needs only 2 references

score for last assignment is 88, and this was the professor feed back.

Thank you for your Synthesis Literature Review. Please see feedback on your rubric and essay, and if you have any questions, be sure to let me know. you have included excellent points and information in your review, so it looks like synthesizing is the main area to work towards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Memo to decision Maker- Alcohol in Society
Memo to Decision Maker
To: Mayor in California
Date: 7.11.2021
Subject:  Request to conduct research on alcohol sale and consumption in my community, which affects the drinker, their immediate environment, and the society. 
I write to request to address the issue of alcohol abuse and sale in the community and changes to address this. There have been increased alcohol sales and consumption are a concern as there is a risk of adverse social and economic effects. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism increase the risk of vehicular accidents and injuries. Heavy drinkers tend to be less productive in the workplace and alcohol abuse affects daily functioning This is especially heavy drinkers require alcohol almost on a daily basis, which potentially takes a toll on their health, social, mental, and financial wellbeing, However, what is most concerning is that alcohol use has a negative impact on the community and society. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism affect an individual, their families, those close to them and the community. Even as there has been growing concerns to raise awareness on responsible drinking, the local authorities have not been actively involved in promoting changes. Regulating alcohol outlet density, creating greater awareness on alcoholism and stricter enforcement of the MLDA laws are likely useful to reduce alcohol purchase, abuse and consumption. 
The problem
The local government officials need to be more active in addressing problems affecting the community, including alcohol. Reducing alcohol use will also reduce crime rates and arrests associated with drinking. Research on alcohol sales and use in the community highlights that there is a slow response to addressing the community’s needs and concerns. Rightfully, there is more concern, laws, and regulations on scheduled drugs, but there is also a need to address alcohol in the local community. It is more likely that alcohol abuse and misuse is downplayed in the community and in policy making.
The Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) in the United States is 21 years, but there is still underage drinking and among adults, there are different social problems associated with alcohol consumption. Fetal alcohol syndrome affects a child's growth and development, but the problem may be under diagnosed. There are different forms of undesirable, and increased awareness on the problem of alcohol in society may influence policy change and changes in behavior. Besides the higher crime rates associated with alcohol abuse, there is also a risk of higher mortality rates linked in the short-term and long term.
Secondary Research Supporting this Research
  There is the use of scholarly research evidence to support the research on alcohol use in society and the need to discourage excessive alcohol use. The social and physical environments affect how individuals and communi...
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