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Descriptive Imagery Literary Response

Essay Instructions:

(ENG130 Literature and Composition)

Descriptive Imagery Literary Response: See Attachment for (Full Instructions)

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In the following sections, you will find some basic information about Style,Tone, and Imagery. These are the devices that set stories apart from each other and create the emotion of the story. Please be sure to read these resources, as you will need them to complete both the Discussion Board and the Literary Response for this unit.

George the Poet Inspired by Paul Graham: How to write a response poem to a painting or photograph.

* "George the Poet" takes his viewers on his journey of creating poetry to a photograph on the Tate museum:


Opinion essay or persuasive essay: Persuasive Writing Tips. Begin reviewing these tips on how to persuade others in essay format of your opinion. 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scream by Edvard Munch
English Department, School Name
ENG130: Literature and Composition
Name of Teacher
Scream Painting by Edvard Munch
 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://lh6.ggpht.com/SWGjLSdKmQ-e3iVuYMLuN1883SFSMekLs0mCxECzhUPrJT3Lve6Ou1YyGPw=w236-h300-n-l64" \* MERGEFORMATINET 
The painting is known as The Scream, which was done by Edvard Munch, a Norwegian painter whose works of art are well recognized worldwide, The Scream being one of the most famous after Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. As Edvard Munch was growing up, illness overshadowed his family despite his father being a doctor, and they suffered from illness. First, his mother died of tuberculosis as Edvard was five years old, then his sister Sophie followed nine years later; she was 15 years of age at the time of her death. His other two siblings (brother and sister) were not spared the tragedies; at the age of 30, the brother died of pneumonia while the sister was in most cases institutionalized for mental illness issues.
In my opinion, I believe that these tragedies played a role in the creation of the Scream painting. The painting entails three human figures: skull-shaped with widened eyes, elongated hands, oval mouth, and flaring nostril, while the other two are contrasted at the back in a linear perspective view. From the focal point of the painting, the viewers are centered by the skull-shaped human figure, which makes the audience believe that it is shocked from the way the mouth is opened. I believe that the work of art connects with the title given to it; the artist has expressed this in this art, thus bringing the true sense. The content also elaborates the subject matter in detail and the artist's formal attributes, giving art an excellent finish.
The work of art was inspired by actual events that Edvard encountered with his two friends as they were walking. The work of art was inspired by fear and anxiety that the artist felt as he was walking, intending to enjoy a serene atmosphere. However, this was interrupted by the sudden changes that took place in the sky. The changes that took place were that the sky changed color as the sun was setting on its horizon, and many people be...
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