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Causes Of Opioids Addiction And Dependence

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Opioid addiction and dependence
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The United States is currently experiencing an opioids epidemic whereby in 2016, about twenty thousand deaths occurred as a result of overdosing on prescription opiates while thirteen thousand deaths resulted due to heroin overdose (National Institute of Health, 2018, Nov 7). Opioids refer to natural and synthetic pain-relieving medication such as morphine, codeine, oxycodone, fentanyl and heroin prescribed by physicians or stolen to relieve pain, provide excitement and sedation. Their continued use leads to opioid addiction and dependence. An individual becomes addicted and dependent when they suffer from an intense desire to use the drugs and lose control over the opioids which makes it difficult to say no (National Institute of Health, 2018, Nov 7). With opioids addiction rising in the country, it is crucial than ever to determine what causes opioids addiction, how the signs and symptoms manifest, effects of the opiate drugs and treatment approaches available.
Causes of opioids addiction and dependence
Addiction and dependence on opioids is a chronic disease, which results due to various factors. Genetics can be a risk factor to one developing opioid dependence. According to researchers, the structure of receptors in an individual determines how they respond to opioids. The endogenous opioid system in the body regulates pain, incentive, and addictive tendencies by producing natural opiates (National Institute of Health, 2018, Nov 7). Therefore, some genes create abnormal endogenous opioid systems which result in different effects once one uses any opioids thereby causing addiction.
The environment that one grows and lives in predisposes them to opioids addiction. Children brought up in poverty, abusive homes or face neglect by their parents have a high chance of engaging in risky behavior such as abusing opiates as they try to dull their pain and feel better about themselves. Moreover, living around people who abuse opioids and in an environment where access to illegal or prescription opioids increases an individual’s change of indulging in the drugs. Consequently, these situations result in people abusing them and causing addiction.
Signs and symptoms of opioids addiction and dependence
Addiction to opioids present in different ways. An addict presents behavioral changes such as making multiple appointments to see different doctors for pills in the pretense of pain and performing poorly at work, schoolwork, games and social activities. Opioids manifest physically through insomnia, tension in the brain, emotional distress, lethargy, increase energy, blood, pressure, and sexual arousal, and agitation. Cognitive signs such as thoughts of suicide, impaired judgment, memory loss, craving ...
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