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Working In Collaboration With The Constituent Member (state) Associations

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Nursing Paper
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The ANA is working in collaboration with the Constituent Member (State) Associations in order to remove geographic and practice setting limitations for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). I think that it is a good initiative and that there should not be any geographical barrier for nurses. As an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), it is my responsibility to work with all kinds of patients and to devote myself to the services. It is a common observation that white nurses, across the United States, are kept from serving black patients, which is a matter of great concern.
Here in the United States, there have been various incidences when nurses are asked to diagnose and treat patients based on their age, gender, class, religion, and caste of patients. According to Clareen Wiencek, an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is responsible for utilizing her expanded and extended skills and for planning and implementing the care. If nurses are not provided with the freedom to choose their working hours and whom they want to serve, it may not be possible for them to contribute to the betterment of society (Wiencek, 2015).
During my professional life, I will come across some needy and poor patients too, and may have to move to other cities or towns in order to help more and more people. If nurses like me are restricted to geographical barriers, then how can we guarantee a sustainable and healthy environment for everyone? The Constituent Member (State) Associations might have to plan things in order to get the desired results.
A study conducted by Barbara Reville reveals that in different hospitals of the United States, there is a shortage of doctors and nurses, especially the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). These nurses are responsible for planning care for every patient and evaluating the case regularly in order to ensure fast recovery from the illness (Reville, 2016). As a nurse, I might have to practice at different levels and should prepare myself to face the challenges. If during the job, I am restricted from serving a particular group of patients or from moving from one area to another, then it may never be possible to guarantee a healthy and peaceful environment within the hospital.
An advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) has to develop good r...
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