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Effective Apology. Literature & Language Essay Paper

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Effective Apology
Institutional Affiliation
Effective Apology
In today’s world of increased media and political freedom, everyone is able to share information and comment on sensitive topics without any censorship or credible reviews. The situation becomes critical when the comments or statements hurt some cultural, political, religious, and sexual oriented groups. The need for an apology is, therefore, necessary to reduce anxiety created by the miss-informed or miss-guided information or political ideas. However, presentation and authentication of the apology is an issue which can be discussed briefly. The current essay reviews the article written by Anna Almendrala in which she presents six identified characteristics of an effective apology based on the research conducted by Lewicki (Almedrala, 2016).
According to the author, it of great risk for the celebrities and politicians to revert their ideas and apologize in front of the media. However, if they do want to apologize there are six identified characteristics of an effective apology. The author has used the apologetic statement of Paul Ryan a political figure and his apology. The scope of this essay, however, is to review the six identified characteristics of “apology” (Almedrala, 2016). The first and most important characteristic of an effective apology to claim the responsibility of the action for which an apology is going to be made. Most of the times, the acknowledgment of a wrong or hurtful comment or statement is the most difficult task for the individuals. People should be able to admit the mistake made by them and take responsibility for their actions (Almedrala, 2016). The most famous line, “mistakes were made” cannot define the extent of the consequences and guilt of the apologizer (Almedrala, 2016). Moreover, this statement is made when the apologizer is owing to its mistake but placing it on a group or organization (Almedrala, 2016). Therefore, the apol...
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