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Reflective Memo on How I Improved my Writing

Essay Instructions:

This is a reflective memo. You need to write how I improve this paper ( the paper I choose to revise called digital forum). I will upload the instruction that my professor gives us. And several model reflective memo. You can just follow those to write. Also, I will upload two version of my paper. One is before revision and one is after revision.

I just list several parts that I added in my revised version.

1. I added a story in my about page(exigency part) it creates more emergency atmosphere. (you need to write more detail about why I added it... such as more emergency, attract readers etc.)

2. I added two more stakeholders: effective(2) and regulation(4). You can write in your own reason... just you konw.... why it will make my paper be more effective hhh

3. I add some contents to my stakeholder 1&5

4. Add 7 more sources to makes my paper be stronger.

5. because this is a website design, so I also edit some online content. These are what I need to correct online, you can also talk about those actions.

-Observe the principles of CARP, which include symmetrically-sized photos, similar-sized text blocks, object alignment, aesthetic color schemes, etc.

-Improve grammar in the text, including correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, run-on sentences, unnecessary repetition, and tense and number agreement.

-The About page should present a more concise overview of the issue

-The About text introduce and summarize the Stakeholder pages

-The About page should clearly communicate how different stakeholder positions contribute to the topic

-Stakeholder summaries on About page should be linked to Stakeholder pages

-Logical progression and cohesion are needed in the About text

You can just follow the instruction..Also, you can talk about what rhetorical tools I used in this paper to make my paper be more perfect.

Like the model paper, first gives a summary about what I learned this semester(this is a writing course, so just talking about "It helps me improve my writing skills etc.)

And then focus on what I revised. (You need to read the first version and the second version to see the difference!) Then gives a conclusion. That's all!

1200 words, times new roman

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course code:Date:
Reflective memo
I the course of the semester, my perspective about writing and how to approach the process has evolved, and I have learned how to communicate my ideas better to my intended audience. Previously, I viewed my writing as documentation of ideas I had and this attitude limited my scope in the way I approached my writing process. I often went straight to document my ideas without first anchoring the process on my intended audience such that my work is of maximum value to them. this is the main idea I learned when writing a digital forum assignment. as I revised and refined the content in the assignment, I unearthed many blind-spots I had about writing. I realized that the process is guided by the audience and first finding out the objective you want to achieve with the audience. Then, finding out how to achieve that objective by authoring the content with the audience in mind. This is the biggest lesson I learned in the course of writing this assignment, and I believe it highlighted my weaknesses, and though I haven’t ironed them out completely, I am now able to package the information I want to put across for a specific audience. By having to rewrite and repackage the same information for different audiences in the assignment, I came to learn more about the importance of clearly identifying and comprehensively knowing and understanding the information needs of your audience if you have to communicate more clearly. At first, the process was confusing, and I often got lost in my own writing and presentation of my ideas, but eventually, I came to know the importance of anchoring my writing on my prospective audience and focusing on what I want them to know. This reflective memo is meant to show how the digital forum assignment helped me identify my weak areas in writing and how I overcame them. The final draft was clearer, and each argument was stronger. It had more sources which were correctly cited and used in the work, and I had figured out how to hook my audience to my writing.
In the final draft, I included and exigency section. I had overlooked the importance of such a section to writing for a diverse audience. However, after extensive research, i understood why some essays need an exigency section. In my case, it was acting as the hook of the essay. It was structured in a way to prompt the audience to question some information about digital education processes and why some of the technologically savvy parents would deny their children a tech-savvy environment. Such information would prompt questions in the minds of the audiences, and if I transitioned them smoothly to my ‘stakeholder’ section, they would continue reading the essay. The essay is not only about strong arguments, but as a writer, you must evoke interest in the reader to prompt him/her to continue reading the essay. It is therefore included in the first parts of the essay to captivate the reader and prompt him/her to continue reading the essay. This assignment made me realize the importance of audience-centered writing. the exigency transformed my earlier version to a more audience-centered essay in which the audience would be captivated and eager to read the whole essay after reading the exigency section.
In the course of my revision, I al...
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