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Nicholas Kristof’s (2014) Article, Discuss the Issue of Gun Violence

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should include the following:

An introduction to the topic and article. A thesis should end your introduction

A summary of your selected essay

A discussion of the author's purpose or goal and evidence used

A discussion of the author’s writing strategy and why the author may have used this strategy

Your response to the essay and its topic

An introduction of a Keiser University Library source to support your view

A discussion of the audience, a possible objection, and your counterargument

A conclusion


1000 words (minimum)

A Minimum of two sources with in-text citations (including your selected essay + a library source)

Attach a Microsoft Word document formatted to APA standards, including title page and a reference page.

Submission to OWL is recommended. Use of Tutor.com is recommended.

Please note the following:

All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.

The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.

The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.

Your paper should include title page, body text, and a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nicholas Kristof’s (2014) Article, Discuss the Issue of Gun Violence
In Nicholas Kristof’s (2014) article “Our Blind Spot about Guns,” published by The New York Times, he discusses the issue of gun violence. He focuses on the key factors that lead to gun violence in the United States of America, further emphasizing that gun control should be implemented to reduce and curtail gun violence. This paper analyzes Kristof’s (2014) article and discusses issues regarding fatalities that increase on an annual basis in the United States. Interestingly, the different levels of government seem not to want to do anything about it. In his article Kristof (2014) argues that if guns and their owners were regulated in the same way that cars and their drivers are, thousands of lives could be saved each year.
Summary of the Article
Kristof (2014) discusses the idea that fewer people would lose their lives if firearms were subject to the same levels of regulation and control as automobiles adding that vehicles are safer today than they were in the past; firearms are not as safe because they do not include the same safety regulations and controls presently (Kristof, 2014). To reduce the high rate of gun-related bloodshed and fatalities in the United States, proponents of gun control want more limitations on the purchase and transportation of weapons. Nonetheless, Kristof draws on historical incidents involving automobiles and firearms to argue for the necessity of tighter gun regulation. Therefore, the proof and utilization of sources other than the author's perspective make Kristof's argument more persuasive.
Author’s Purpose, Goal, and Evidence
Kristof's (2014) goal and purpose is to prove that gun violence results from poor control measures and management. He does this by comparing gun violence cases to how the automotive industry has significantly reduced the number of car accidents since 1921, noting that if strict gun control measures were put in place, then, they would have saved more lives compared to the 715,000 from car accidents. The strict policies in the automotive industry show the close relationship between the phrases, cars do not kill, and guns do not kill; it is people who kill. For this reason that gun controls would lower gun violence death tolls by more than 95%, just like the already sensible and regulated automobile industry. Notably, the 95% reduction translates to about 10,000 gun violence deaths yearly. He further states that the courts need to reflect on the steps they took in the 1920s where they considered vital factors such as people murdering people through distraction, drunk driving, road rage, and reckless driving. However, as Kristof challenges the audience, they could have argued that it is meaningless because regulations against driving and vehicle standards would not reduce road accidents and deaths.
Author’s Writing Strategy
Kristof delivers his points using various writing strategies, notably through comparison and contrast. He further uses the organization of thoughts and evidence supporting the case for strict gun controls. The essay's organization and the author's use of contrasting examples and other forms of proof lend credence to his claims. Evidence presented in this source includes a contrast between the mortality rates of motor vehicle accidents and those caused by firearms, as well as data showing a decline in fatalities due to government control of the industry.
Response to the Essay
Support to the View
I agree with Kristof that gun ownership, background checking, and accessibility must be contr...
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