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Defending the Humanities at Church-Related Colleges

Essay Instructions:

I chose Liberal Arts under Fire by: Jeannine Marie Pitas

Below are the instructions

Write a critique of the article you have chosen inside the Article Critique Template Word document, carefully following all instructions in the Template, including using APA format.

Write the Summary and Analysis sections in third-person. Write the Application section in first-person.



[Summarize the purpose of the research conducted for the article. Summarize the major conclusion(s) of the researchers. Include a few key details, and at least one direct quote, cited in APA style. Minimum length for the summary section is 100 words.]


[Analyze the article in terms of its relevance, reliability, and objectivity. You may want to look specifically at how key terms are defined for the purposes of the research. Discuss whether the conclusions of the researchers are supported by the data provided. You may also analyze the methodology, such as the sample size of the study group, and how it was selected. If the research was conducted using a survey, you might analyze the phrasing of the survey questions. Look carefully for biased language in the article. Write this section in third-person. Minimum length for the analysis section is 100 words. Include at least one direct quote, cited in APA style.]


[Discuss, in first-person, how the information in the article and/or your analysis of the information directly relates to your professional or academic field. How can you apply the lessons learned from the research? A direct quote is not required in this section. Minimum length for this section is 100 words.]


[Replace with the APA References page entry for the article you have chosen. If you are using an automatic citation tool, make sure that the reference is double-spaced, and that the correct capitalization rules have been applied to the article title.]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Defending the Humanities at Church-Related Colleges
The article is a preliminary study on the value and impact of liberal arts and humanities education in colleges within the United States. The author engages the readers in a real-life experience on literature, history, and several language programs that form the foundation of claims of the effect of liberal arts on most students, professors, and the community. Notwithstanding this claim, the community continuously questions the purpose of a college education since most students never receive quality education following high debt costs. “For ages, liberal arts have been adopted in foundations that existed decades ago (Pitas, 2021).” The community sees the subject as a waste of time since it is focused on ethics rather than social welfare. The central questions presented in the article focus on religious, social, as well as economic issues. These issues lead to rivalry between the community and college professors. While others are guided by social stance, others focus on the economic aspect of liberal arts education. The text concludes with a claim that enrollment challenges and financial issues are the major concerns affecting the admission of liberal arts students into colleges. This is why most resort to humanities to gain popularity and be associated with renowned colleges.
According to the author, the under-emphasized fact is that financial problem is not the only major problem harboring the quest for liberal arts education. The author does not capture our-age factors, such as technology and learning mechanics. People in the current generation have different aptitudes and mysterious talents to pursue anything they want, regardless of social or economic constraints. Even though Jeannine incorporates a panorama of historical settings to explain the hardship art, religion, and humanities face in church-related colleges, more of her sheer focus is on religious enrichment. For example, she claims ...
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