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Newlyweds in the Woods Haunted by Demon/Ghost

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Just a short story Topic: Newlyweds in the woods haunted by demon/ghost

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I was still riding on my wedding bliss when we left the hotel after our honeymoon. We had the greatest time of our lives in the honeymoon, but it was time to get back to reality so we headed to our new home. I was feeling a little bit adventurous, so I said,
“We should take the scenic route. I heard there was this wonderful forest tourist site 18 miles from here.”
“Honey, that’s a little out of the way, considering we’re already on the scenic route.” My new husband was hesitant because it was quite far and we still have a long drive ahead even after going back to our original route.
“Pleeeaassee? Can we? I heard there are some rare birds there and I wanted to hear them,” I said. I have always been fond of bird-watching, though I enjoy being in their presence and hearing them more than I enjoy seeing them.
“Fine, but we won’t linger for long, okay?” He agreed and we changed course.
When we arrived, it was only starting to get dark. I felt this eerie feeling because it was just past noon but it was dead silent, but I shook it off because it was broad daylight. There were no birds chirping or animals rustling. Come to think of it, I don’t feel wind either. It’s like the place is standing still in time. I walked on, my husband following a few steps behind me.
After a few minutes, I felt that we were going around in circles. I saw this bright red flower and I thought,
“I definitely thought this was a pretty flower a few minutes ago.” I think we are lost.
We left our phones in the car because we were never supposed to go further in the woods. Darkness approached as we are trying to ge...
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