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Procedure in Reviewing Article Abstract and Taking Down Notes

Essay Instructions:

Create a procedure to follow for reviewing article abstracts (sample subject: The Digital Divide: The challenge of technology & equity). This can be similar to a standard operating procedure or in a format you prefer. A flow chart or similar model can also be used. Assume you will use this method when you begin your own chapter 2.

Begin your procedure with the following:

Identify your key search terms and combination of search terms.

Include at least three steps for determining if the abstract has the main points related to your topic.

Outline how or what you will look for in the abstract. This information will be what prompts you to open the full-text article.

In the next step of the procedure:

4. Develop a plan or visual tool to take notes about each search engine, main theme, url, and a section of the chapter this would be used.

For example, chapter 2 begins with an introduction for the reader about your topic, next to a paragraph of how and where you found the literature, then the theoretical or conceptual framework, and then finally the main content of the chapter. The main content is categorized by you and how your literature develops.

Length: 1-2 pages, plus title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of five (5) scholarly resources.

Critiquing an article is paramount for the literature review. You will begin the task of creating ‘depth’ to your topic by reviewing many articles in the general area of your topic. Your job will be to narrow down and stay focused on the topic. It is a good idea to keep track of all articles that interest you, and then narrow your list of articles as you find better articles. To critique an article, search for the author's main points. Determine the argument the author is laying out. Then, compare the argument with the facts the author gives. (The sources this author cites are important as well as checking the reference page for other paths to follow.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applying Critical Reading
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
October 23, 2022
Part 1
1 Identify key terms: technology-enhanced learning (TEL), long-term TEL, elementary education, interactive learning environments, and improving classroom teaching.
2 Steps in Determination:
In order to determine whether the article has topic relevance or at least has main points that are connected to my research, the following steps could be followed:
1 Check whether the keywords are related to the main topic;
2 Compare the purpose of the study, methodology, and sample population for similarities and differences;
3 Check whether the results are conclusive or if there are any points remaining to be solved.
3 Outline of What to Look for in the Abstract
The three parts of the things that one should look in the Abstract are the following;
4 Relevance
1 Topic
2 Keywords
5 Conclusiveness
3 Methodology
4 The final result, output, or conclusion
6 Credibility
5 Authors’ educational background and field of expertise.
Part 2 - Visual Component
Evaluating the abstract of literature that should be used for the study would require a step-by-step analysis, which includes the actual search process. Initially, the plan to find a relevant, reliable, and credible source would begin with using Google Scholar to enter the keywords and the exact topic that would be used for this study (Meho & Yang, 2007). For example, the article that I found below was found by searching the keyword “effects of technology on student learning.”
The second step in the search process would focus on reducing the number...
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