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Nature and Purpose of Sacraments: Paschal Mystery and the Liturgy.

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essay on nature and purpose of sacraments in light of the Paschal Mystery and the liturgy.

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Nature and Purpose of Sacraments
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Nature and Purpose of Sacraments
Jesus’ early life in Nazareth and message in early ministry foreshadowed his paschal mystery. This overshadowing is evidenced when his hour comes, and he is put to death, buried, rises from the dead, and ascends to his Father in heaven. Christ’s paschal mystery is different from other historical events that only happened once in history. Unlike other historical events, Jesus’ pascal mystery transcends the past and has held in the present (Fagerberg, 2015). This is especially due to Christ’s victory over death. Sacraments play an instrumental role in Christ’s Paschal Mystery and liturgy.
Jesus Christ triumphed in redeeming humanity through his Paschal Mystery of embracing death, resurrecting from the dead, and ascending to his heavenly Father. This mystery marked the beginning of the Church proclaiming and celebrating her liturgy. In this light, liturgy is rightly perceived as following the teachings of Christ as guided by priests (Fagerberg, 2015). It entails presenting human sanctification as per the understood signs and what is considered appropriate. Liturgy practice also entails full public worship guided by a mystic body of Christ. It may take the form of a ritual song, procession, or even a prayer. As Senn (2012) asserts, liturgy may have both negative and positive purposes. In the former, it is redemptive and purgative and undesired to Christians. In the latter, liturgy serves consolatory, meditative tranquilizing, and evocative purposes. It helps dispel the fear of darkness, in consoling the troubled, and rescues individuals from melancholy. The entire liturgical practice in Church revolves around sacraments and Eucharistic sacrifice. After the ascension, Christ is seated at hi...
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