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Native and Italian Assimilation Experience in the Documentary 'This May Be The Last Time'

Essay Instructions:

Description: Choose one of the following options regarding This May Be the Last Time (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and pp 1 - 71 of A Different Mirror and write an essay that compares/contrasts the Native American experience with that of another ethnic group in America. For more information on comparing and contrasting, consult Little Seagull, pp 21 - 22.
This May Be the Last Time (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. isn't on Netflix anymore, but you can rent it via iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, or Google Play.
This May Be the Last Time is partly about how spiritual music crosses cultural boundaries. Compare/contrast the Native American experience with the titular song to another song that has crossed cultural boundaries in America.
This May Be the Last Time is also about how things that sustain a culture, such as spiritual music, can be lost to younger generations. Compare/contrast the impact of this loss on the Native American community with that of another loss to a different ethnic group in America. (The thing that is lost does not have to be music. It can be language, a particular habit or custom, or a pastime, for example.)
In A Different Mirror, Takaki discusses Thomas Jefferson's policies toward Native American Indians. He writes: “In order to survive, Jefferson declared, Indians must adopt the culture of the white man. They must no longer live so boundlessly; instead, they must enclose farms as private property and learn arithmetic so they could keep accounts of their production.” In other words, the way of life of American Indians -- hunting, gathering, and freely sharing resources -- was not acceptable to Jefferson. He believed Indians needed to assimilate to white American culture. Write about assimilation. What is lost, and/or what is gained, when an ethnic group gives up its cultural identity in order to blend into American mass culture? You may focus on the ethnic group of your choice, but remember to compare/contrast that group's experience to the Native American Indian experience.
Takaki writes, “Ever since the arrival of the English strangers in Jamestown in 1607 and at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the Indians' story had been one of stolen lands, sickness, suffering, starvation, and sadness.” Write about the survival of a people in spite of seemingly insurmountable odds. What must it have taken for tribes such as the Muscokee Creeks or the Seminoles to survive to this day? What remains of their culture that has sustained them? What culture has had a similar/dissimilar American experience?
Keep it academic. Write in 3rd person rather than 1st person (I/me) or 2nd person
Here is the MLA bibliographic entry for A Different Mirror: Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror. 2nd ed. New York: Back Bay-Little, Brown, 2008. Print.
Here is the MLA bibliographic entry for This May Be the Last Time (watched via Netflix. Click here for more info on citing films. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.): This May Be the Last Time. Dir. Sterlin Harjo. BOND360, 2014. Netflix. Web. 15 September 2015.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Write about assimilation. What is lost, and/or what is gained, when an ethnic group gives up its cultural identity in order to blend into American mass culture? You may focus on the ethnic group of your choice, but remember to compare/contrast that group’s experience to the Native American Indian experience
This May Be the Last Time- Native and Italian assimilation experience
In the documentary film This May Be the Last Time Sterlin Harjo looks into the life of his grandfather Pete Harjo and the Muscogee Creek/Seminole people in Oklahoma, who composed songs after Pete Harjo’s disappearance. The director further explored how Muscogee hymns can explain the American music scene and especially spiritual songs. Assimilation represents the way people embrace aspects of a culture in a society including the language. In the U.S. immigrants assimilate into the mainstream society as they speak English and embrace American values, while merging their culture with that of other Americans. A comparison-contrast on the lives of Native and Italian American experience highlight how official policies and assimilation influenced how they became American..
Even as the Native Americans lived in various places before the arrival of settlers, they were moved into new places and expected to be like the white people. The American Indian people then lived in their own reservations, and sometimes there was minimal contact with Whites. Nonetheless, they embraced Christianity and in the film their hymns also represent their shared culture. In the case of Italian Americans, it is mainly men who first immigrated, and many still returned to Italy when they could not fit in or make money. Many of them were still attached to their homeland and few came with their families as they intended to stay for only a few years.
The restrictions placed on Native Americans meant that they were concentrated in certain areas, even as it was recognized that they were part and parcel of America. Despite assimilation and promoted genocide, they had been recognized by legal statutes and treaties over centuries (Huyser, Sakamoto and Takei 542). Many adopted Christianity over time and could speak English as this was most dominant in the wider American society the result is that many lost their folk cultures and especially when the young people, were not too keen to embrace their culture and religious beliefs. In the early stages of migration to America there were restrictions on Italian migration as they were not even considered White. Policies favored established inhabitants compared to immigrants and newcomers, and while they came from Europe they were different than established immigrants of English, Scottish and Irish descent.
The assimilation of Native Americans has been a painful experience as their land was first taken away from them where land-allotment programs provided their lands to White people who acquired it ‘legally.’ Native Americans were to be assimilated through adopting American ways of life, and one suggested way was putting them in reservations where they were to be supported to be civilized Americans now that their ways of life had been altered (Takaki 233). By the 20th century Italian Americans had mainly been assimilated into the mainstream society. Fears about their immigration were not as prominent as those associated with non European immigrants and especially Asians. Gradually, they moved away working professions becoming more educated and working in different professions the benefit of assimilation then is ‘becoming American’, no longer described as ‘others’. The Italian immigrant population dispersed from the East Coast with considerable economic and occupational mobility one of the profound changes in the community.
The challenge of integrating and assimilating Native Americans was one that has divided reformers over time. According to Takaki (234), in t...
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