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Research And Describe The Benefits of Sleep on People

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you need to determine your argument and subject for major paper #3, which will be an argumentative paper for which you will need no fewer than four sources for the purposes of evidence and context. If they are related to your topic, you can use the two sources from Paper #2; however, you will need to find at least two of the sources on your own. Select a topic that is of interest to you in some way, and present what that topic is, along with necessary contextual details and why it is significant for a broad audience. Likewise, narrow this topic down to a specific, debatable claim (that can be supported logically) that will serve as the central argument for your paper, and present this in the form of a compelling, working thesis statement that you intend to use for this upcoming paper. Finally, provide citations for the sources you intend to use. Your summary needs to be at least one full double-spaced page in 12 pt Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, and it needs to be formally composed with citations following MLA guidelines. Let me know if you have any questions about this - BH

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The Benefits of Sleep on People
Student’s Name
The Benefits of Sleep on People
According to the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) [2015], sleep is significant for the public health. Its insufficiency has been linked to industrial disasters, occupation errors, and motor vehicle accidents. This paper argues that sufficient sleep has numerous benefits and it is thus important for the nation’s health.
Sleep is important for human health as it prevents major health risks. Luyster, Strollo, Zee, & Walsh (2012) point out that insufficient sleep is associated with major health risks. With enough sleep of between 7 and 8 hours, the risk and incidences of cardiovascular diseases are reduced (Luyster, Strollo, Zee, & Walsh, 2012). The authors also note that studies have linked lack of enough sleep to higher risk of developing prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. Therefore, with enough sleep, one is able to reduce the chances of contracting these diseases.
Sleep is also associated with higher productivity. When people get sufficient sleep, they are able to be creative at their workplaces and thereby contributing to the improvement of their organizations (Rosekind, Gregory, Mallis, Brandt, Seal, & Lerner., 2010). Lack of enough sleep, on the other hand, can cause a loss in productivity and can increase costs for organizations.
Enough sleep is also associated with longer lifespan. In a study by Hublin, Partinen, Koskenvuo, & Kaprio (2007), short sleep was associated with the increased mortality rate in both men and women. Therefore, when one gets enough sleep, they can increase their lifespan.
In conclusion, sleep has numerous benefits, particularly for human health. Given that insufficient sleep is considered a public health problem, it is essential for people to take time and get enough daily sleep.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 CDC. (2015). Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Prob...
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