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Narrative: Spiritual Life

Essay Instructions:

You will write your spirituality life narrative. This is a time-consuming process, so I strongly recommend that you begin writing as soon as possible. The length of the narrative should be 5-6 pages (single spaced). You may include pictures or graphic expressions but the bulk of it should be text. You will not be asked to distribute this paper to other students in the class but you will want to refer to the paper in thinking about what portions of your spirituality life narrative you might want to share with others. Please post this in the Assignments section by Wednesday, Feb. 24th.

The purpose of this paper is to help you revisit your past spiritual life. The paper should include, but is not limited to, the following:

Describe your childhood experiences with spirituality and/or religion. If there were any critical events that affected your feelings about spirituality/religion in a strongly positive or negative way, please describe those events and how they affected you.

Describe your career path in relationship to your spiritual development. How did you select the professional field that you have chosen? What is the connection, if any, to your core values? Is there any connection between your work and your spiritual/religious values and practices?

Develop a short-term (3 month), medium-term (1 year) and long-term (3-5 years) plan for actions you would like to take regarding spirituality in the workplace. These may either be related to your own inner development, or may be more focused on having an external impact on your organization. Be as specific as you can about your goals and how you will obtain them.

This paper is not a discussion of abstract ideas or issues. It is a highly personal document that can include insights, reflections and feelings. The structure of the written narrative depends on you. You can, for example, follow a chronological logic, choose a specific “red line,” or present critical events in your life. Structure is not independent of content. That is the reason why it is important to think about it and to choose a specific option. Sometimes it can be helpful to consider specific themes or questions where are of interest to you. One of the traps to avoid is to write the text following free associations or a systematically chronologic order (year of birth, +1, +2, etc.), and giving only descriptions of events. Instead, try as much as possible to work from choices and to articulate the events following a logic coherent with the content. Feel free to include discussion of links you might make to books, videos, movies, music, art, travel or other modes of knowing that stand out in your mind as significant and meaningful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Narrative: Spiritual Life
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Narrative: Spiritual Life
Even before we were born, somethings have always been in this world that people could not define with a single meaning. Thousands of people have described religiosity and spirituality; that is why thousands of meanings have also been given birth. Like Gill et al. (2010) stated, spirituality and religiosity are words with difficulty defining.
Religiosity refers to the outward belief or external factor that affects and is connected to spirituality (pg.295). While on the other hand, they stated that spirituality is the inward expression that surpasses all material things but instead emphasizes the wholeness and meanings of life of a person (pg. 293). As a person who grew up in an environment that believes in two different religions, my journey of struggles and challenges as I face the truth in my spirituality.
Buddhism and Taoism
My family believes and follows two different religions. These religions are Buddhism and Taoism. A brief background, Buddhism's idea, is focused on the teachings rather than its founder's life. It emphasizes the awakening of humans and liberates them from the shackles of delusions.
They refer to Gotama as a teacher, while their goal is what they call Nirvāna. They use Dhamma, Buddha's teachings that refer to the world's realities and cosmic law-orderliness, as a foundation and guide to bring forth transformation. Furthermore, the crucial figures who hold Buddhism's grounds are monks and nuns, which makes up a 'Community' or Buddhist Saṅgha (Harvey, 2012 pg. 2).
Opposite to this, Taoism focused on the cultural texts and scriptures related to Taoism teachings and focused on the shamanic beliefs. This religion is also based on the early cultures of China, which goes several thousand years. This philosophy and region was vast and focused on the importance of nature to man, the unity of shamans with the idea of spiritual beings of nature, and the way to the world of celestial beings (Wong, 1996). These two religions were the pinnacle of my childhood in spirituality since I grew up exposed to its traditions and beliefs.
I was young before, so I gladly accepted what was given to me as if it was what described my true spirituality. During my childhood, although hazy, I can still picture out when my family and I always go to the temple to thank the gods for the blessings we always receive. I can still picture the red arches of sophisticated but classical designs and few Chinese characters' texts welcoming its believers.
Dragons and tigers can also be seen in both sides of this arch, or as they say, gates. Carvings of the gods related to the Taoist beliefs can also be seen on top of the gates. Remembering it was quite a sight since it exposes a great image of spirituality. I also remember my family bringing fruits as a form of offering, although I don't know what they are thankful for during those times. I was innocent of the temples' teachings since I was just going with my family.
Unknowingly, before I started knowing Taoism's idea, I was already doing its traditional life worshiping the gods and goddesses through the temple and more. At first, I did not find it displeasing as it was natural for me to these actions.
When I was young, my family was scheduled to worship in the temple that day, but I could not because of my fever. I think I was seven to eight years old at that time. Innocently, I was left alone with my aunt, sister of my father, and let her take care of me. When my parents came back after their worship, I found my mother placing an object beside me. It was a red rectangular object with Chinese characters I am not known of. I was familiar with the object because I've seen many of it from our family members. They call it an amulet. People said that it would cleanse my pain and purify my soul during my recovery as I was maybe a child with sins. I casually accepted the thought and found myself believing that evil beings and my sins caused the pain I felt. Thankfully, I fully recovered after a few days, so I thought the amulet helped me recover. The process of my childhood was not on the opposing side. Instead, it was customary for me.
Looking back, our family will always celebrate the Chinese New Year, where we will wear red clothes and prepare food as though to be festive. When I was young, I would always pick my favorite red shirts to wear during those times. But as I continued to grow, I found myself just picking any red shirt, and sometimes, I do not have the inspiration of dressing red shirts anymore, although I can't. My family is a great believer in Taoism and Buddhism traditions which greatly influenced my upbringing. I was happy enough to learn the traditions of my religion and understand that other than Taoism and Buddhism, there are still other religions that I don't understand.
After graduating high school and interacting with different people, that was the time that I felt empty about religions. In that situation, I started to question why we do those traditions or does something, in reality, happens when we do those practices. I even started to question gods and goddesses about the truth of their existence or are just the product of the deep philosophies people made. I don't even know what instructed me to question my family's religion and other religions, but it made me aloof of the traditions in my family.
At first, I didn't give it much thought and just continued my life knowing and doing my family's traditions. I still went to temples to worship, watch rituals, used amulets and talismans, and continued to tell myself that gods and goddesses are true and real. Nevertheless, all my efforts in continuing to believe those things were still in vain as I knew that part of me was not genuinely believing in their existence that my actions were only for my family's sake. I felt confused. I would always be in a train of thought during the temple visits. Even the amulets that were with me during childhood, I even stopped wearing them without my family knowing. I started to get confused and tried to find what is happening to me since religious ceremonies were a big part of our family's life and traditions. As I continued to search, I stumbled upon the idea and concept of atheism.
Atheists have little known pieces of information since religious worshippers much neglect them. Since they negate gods and goddesses' existence and practices, few can only voice a large-scale influence of religion throughout the world.
According to Smith (2011), there are four phases where a person experiences the struggle of confusion in determining the truth about their beliefs. These four stages were elaborated as (1) the knowledge of gods and goddesses, (2) questioning the truth about the existence of the gods that people worship, (3) rejecting the idea and practices of this knowledge, and lastly (4) identifying themselves as an atheist. This shows the actual process of when a person starts to believe the religion they are born with and faced the phase of doubting its existence ...
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