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Overview of Essay: A Theory Bite on Infinity: A Companion to Falk

Essay Instructions:

Step 2: Essay Overview (20%, due Sunday 2/21)

The Pearlman-Carillo framework has five basic components -- Analyze, Question, Evaluate,

Complicate, Conclusde -- each of which refers to certain general questions that you need to be able to

answer when you are truly engaging with sources and your own ideas. The overview of your essay will

be a document containing five clear, precise, concise, coherent and cohesive mini-essays, each of which

addresses questions corresponding to one of the five components of the Perlman-Carillo framework.

These questions should be applied to the Falk article, the second article you chose, and the point you

intend to argue, but your mini-essays must be one coherent and cohesive whole, so you cannot simply

address each of these separately. Furthermore, the requirement for coherence and cohesion means you

cannot simply list questions and answers. Suggested approximate length for each mini-essay: 250 words

A page giving the required structure for this sketch appears on page 3 in this document. Copy that

template into a separate document. Note that this overview should definitely NOT be an outline of the

essay in the traditional sense, and you should have NO expectation that the ordering of sections and

paragraphs in your essay will line up exactly with the five categories.

Each mini-essay will be graded with respect to the following (equal weighting for each bullet):

 clarity, concision, coherence and cohesiveness

 consideration of the Falk article, your second article, and your intended point

 appropriateness of content for the particular Pearlman-Carillo component

There will be penalties of up to 4% off for each of the following:

 Not giving the name and author of your second article

 Not identifying the key point you will be arguing

 Violating the typesetting requirements: 12pt font; double-spacing; 1 inch margins all around;

PDF format.

PS: Please carefully read my scouse for the essay in the attachment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Overview of Essay: A Theory Bite on Infinity: A Companion to Falk
University/ Department:
Professor Name:
Course Name:
Name and author of the second article: Anna Sfard
The key point the essay will argue (this may change, but should be a fairly well-developed idea): 
For each item below, insert a single clear, precise, concise, coherent, and cohesive mini-essay (suggested
approximate length: 250 words) that addresses the questions corresponding to that component of the
Pearlman-Carillo framework. These questions should be applied to the Falk article, the second article you
chose, and the point you intend to argue. Still, your mini-essays must be one coherent and cohesive whole,
so you cannot simply address each of these separately. Furthermore, the requirement for coherence and
cohesion means you cannot simply list questions and answers. See page 1 for more details.
1 Analyze
Ultimately, Falk's goal was to examine the truth that there are infinite ways to interpret and understand reality. Anna Sfard reiterates that the researchers should be aware that human understanding is subject to variable interpretations. By asking the same questions differently, acquired answers can simulate a single model by which knowledge can be extracted. 
Falk herself declared that her goal was to study a certain state of the interviewees as they are interrogated. Her methodology centered around gathering different descriptions from the students about their "conceptions of reality". The methodology consisted of several different infinity-related tasks and recording the subjects' opinions and ideas. Other features. These data would then be interpreted as indicative, but not definitive, of an individual's infinity conception. 
Anna Sfard highlights the concept of discourse and how the pattern of speech, choice of words, tone, etc., can become the object of conscious exploration. Understanding shifts from detached utterances of the subjects to a holistic perspective of the interaction where the utterances were created. She features the importance of seeing the bigger picture by expanding awareness of meaning from the interactive discourse. Her commentary puts importance to the concepts in Falk's choice of topic, hence the title: A companion to Falk. There is a need to expand conscious understanding so that the subtleties hidden in discourse can be taken into account and analyzed.  
2 Question
How does Falk want to get an understanding of "Conception of Infinity"? How do you conceptualize, in words, the endless, how do you limit the limitless, How do you count the number, how do you put a focus on the endless flow of infinity? There is a need to change the syntax, and mode of analysis, if one is to make an explicit interpretation of Falk's research. Falk's keywords have its implication that points to a particular unit of analysis. This mode needs to comply with some special requirements so that it can be operationalized.
Sfard concurs that Understanding the research entails having the support of other concepts and theories.
The emphasis of Discussion and dialogue put the focus on the dynamic flow of conversation. By taking into account and digesting the participant's speaking way, Sfard says that a deeper understanding can be taken. This puts a purpose to extracting meaning for better communication. The study aims to create a syntax for a broader unit of analysis and look at the data from an interconnected viewpoint. Thus, there is a need to utilize a theoretical understanding of how ideas are universally related.
Dialogue allows both interviewee and interviewer to have a free-flowing and exploration of ideas. It has no predefined purpose than to have the dialogue itself. I think that this is the special requirement of Falk's mode of analysis. 
Falk wants to emphasize allowing the participants to express themselves without judgment and prejudices. This mode of dialogue allows for the expression of a different "state" of exploring thought-forms. A deeper understanding can be taken from experiencing the dialogue from an expanded awareness. Questions arise in creating a limited framework for understanding infinity and how it can be analyzed from the dynamics of social interaction, communication, and human endeavor.
3 Evaluate
Sfard's commentary agrees with Falk's emphasis on the importance of a new analysis method and expanded awareness for data gathering on the topic of "conception of infinity". However, Shards also emphasizes the need to operationalize certain terms in Falk's account. Sfard argues that the state of affairs requires a theoretical framework that can provide standardized interpretation systems to assess and gain insights from their values. To support the research, a more robust framework of evaluation must be set in place. 
There is an implication to Falk'...
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