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What is wrong with lying? How do you feel when you find you have been lied to, when true information was important to you?

Essay Instructions:
No APA Or MLA Answer the questions only and put the number by each questions give short answer I. Respond thoughtfully and thoroughly to each of the following: 1. What is wrong with lying? 2. How do you feel when you find you have been lied to, when true information was important to you? 4. How are you treating other people, when you try to manipulate their feelings, their attitudes toward you, and their beliefs BY LYING to them? 1. Explain the general underlying principles of Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics, and Rights Theories. 2. Construct a set of circumstances in which a particular lie would be approved by each theory. This may require four sets of circumstances, one for each theory. How would the other theories treat the lie? What do you believe is the right action, under these circumstances? What is the relationship between law and morality? Can it ever be morally obligatory to violate the law? Provide an example. Do all laws carry moral force, or only legal compulsion? Why? Do laws define the extent of our personal moral obligations? Do laws define the extent of business's ethical obligations to society and individuals?
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Professor Name:
(March 15, 2012)

Q1. What is wrong with lying?
Lying is giving out information while knowing it to be untrue, intending to misinform by doing so. Lying is bad because it diminishes trust between human beings, and also it makes it difficult for the individual being cheated to make an informed decision regarding the matter concerned.
Q2. How do you feel when you find you have been lied to, when true information was important to you? Deceived, damaged and manipulated and it makes one believe not to trust everyone furthermore you may seek to revenge.
Q3. How are you treating other people, when you try to manipulate their feelings, their attitudes towards you, and their beliefs by lying to them?
Keeping in mind that they are vulnerable due to the lie, one should treat them with caution without disclosing any information to them depending with the situation.
Q4. Explain the general underlying principles of Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtues Ethics, and Rights Theories. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory agreeing to the proper course of action whereby the overall “happiness” is maximized. Kantian ethics explains how rules are the foundation of morality. Virtues Ethics describes the role of a moral agent as a moving force for ethical behavior. Rights theory explains the fundamental rules about what is owed or allowed by people according to some ethical theory.
Q5. Construct a set of circumstances in which a particular lie would be approved by each theory. This may require four sets of circumstances, one for each theory.
Utilitarian; lying may be good for patients undergoing medical therapy; doctors believe that patients should be given information that may help their medication.
Kantian Ethics; Even though philosopher Kant thinks that lying is al...
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