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To Kill a Mockingbird

Essay Instructions:
1. Write an analysis of the themes, conflicts, characters, and symbolism/motifs in To Kill a Mockingbird. 2. Summarize the main points of the book as you see them and the message Harper Lee wanted readers to take away from it. 3. Has this book left a mark on your life? How? If not, why not? 4. Give your thoughts on how literature can provide a mirror of life into the lives of others. 5. Comment on the different forms that a story can take and what they each offer to a discerning reader. 6. Finally, discuss how literature can provide a mirror that illuminates life lessons or helps people understand their own struggles and triumphs in life.
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(February 21, 2012)

To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee authored To Kill a Mockingbird during the depression era when racism was the order of the day to social inequality in Alabama. The whites couldn’t mingle with the blacks in almost every aspect of society. The blacks were viewed as more inferior and were even termed as “trash”. The novel brings out the power of literature as a mirror of the society injustices (Sova & Fitzwater, 1983). As Atticus puts it mocking birds do no harm to anyone, simply singing all day; the novel title refers to the unnecessary harming of innocent creatures. The novel brings out touching themes of racism, social inequality and education. It clearly captures the civil rights movements during that era.
The story is narrated by a six-year-old Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, a young girl who lives in a small Alabama town with her older brother, Jem and their widower father, Atticus Finch, a highly principled lawyer. Jem and their friend Dill (neighbor’s nephew) are captivated by the local rumors about a man named Boo Radley, who lived in their neighborhood but never leaves his house. The story goes on to teach different values and issues that affect society and the impact they have.
Good and Evil
To Kill a Mockingbird is a masterpiece in bringing out the contrast between good and evil(right or wrong) Atticus, plays the role of teacher, for his children and his town and an ambassador of truth. Atticus believes that people have flip sides, but that good wills always triumph over. Atticus teaches this to his children, but also to the town, as he works to defend Tom Robinson, an innocent black man accused of raping a white woman. In the racist town of Maycomb in the heart of America's South during the Depression era, this was an Enormous task. However enormous the task may have been, Atticus believes that racial equality will ever see the light of the day.
Tom Robinson trial and conviction while he had committed no wrong just because of his color and affiliations and the racism that existed then clearly disorient Jem belief that goodness will always be returned with a counter goodness. The challenge of this struggle causes him great emotional pain as he tries to come to terms with disappointing realities of inequality, racism, and general unfairness in Maycomb.
Scout is almost six, and Jem is almost ten. The summer is over, and September has arrived. Scout eagerly awaits her first day of school. She is excited about the prospect of finally starting school, but her first day of first grade leaves her extremely disappointed. Miss Caroline reads a saccharine children's story about cats, much of which the children couldn’t associate with. Scout exclaims, "Miss Caroline seemed unaware that the ragged, denim-shirted and flour-sack-skirted first graders were not interested in education. Once her teacher discovers this, she punishes Scout and tells her to refrain from Fathers teachings.
Atticus takes great pride in instilling a learning culture to in his children. He engages and encourages their inquisitive minds through obediently listening to them and encouraging them to offer a platform for them to grow intellectually (Johnson, 1994). On the other hand, Scout's teachers believe in sequential learning without any regard to Scouts brilliance. For example, when she asks Scout to write during class and Scout writes in script, she scolds her and tells her that she should not be doing that for many years, and should preserve that energy f or future use. Scout feels upset that her teacher does not appreciate her.
Scout comes to Atticus with concerns about her education and he helps her understand that she must get an education, even though she might find the process frustrating, and that he will continue to read with her and teach her at home. Clearly, Atticus understands the faults of the educational system, but also knows it is necessary for his children to pass through this system to be a part of society. However, his teaching at home, both morally and otherwise is far more valuable to his children than anything they learn in the classroom.
Scout receives the majority of her education in the home, and doesn't trust school will do much for her. Clearly, Scout understands that life experiences are the true teach...
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