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My First Time Hiking at Cumberland Island

Essay Instructions:

Touchstone 1: Narrative Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Write a narrative essay using the techniques and elements of narrative writing that you have learned in this unit. Your essay must be approximately 500-800 words long.

Sample Narrative Essay

A. Instructions

Choose a topic that enables you to tell a short, interesting personal story. Your story can be funny, suspenseful, meaningful, or exciting, but it must focus on one event. For example, if you decide to write about traveling to Denmark, you should not write about the entire trip. Choose one event — for example, an afternoon you spent bicycling on an island, or your first taste of smoked herring, or visiting the childhood home of Hans Christian Anderson — and tell a detailed story that focuses on that event.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the touchstone.

Following are some ideas that can help you to select a topic for your story:

Firsts — Think of a "first" in your life and describe that moment in detail.

Proud Moment — Choose a moment when you felt proud about an accomplishment.

Adversity — Describe a time when you had to think or act quickly to overcome a challenge.

Traveling — Recall a memorable experience you had while traveling.

B. Think About Your Writing

Below your completed narrative, include answers to all of the following reflection questions:

1. Which narrative techniques did you use to bring your story to life? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Did you use vivid description, sensory details, and/or dialogue to engage readers? Provide two examples from your essay in which you “show” readers rather than “tell” them. EXAMPLE: A sentence such as "I glanced at the clock, grabbed my briefcase, and sprinted for the elevator" uses more descriptive language than simply saying "I was running late for the meeting."

2. How did your purpose and audience shape the way in which you wrote your narrative? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Your hypothetical audience extends beyond the people who will evaluate your narrative. Which individuals or groups were you addressing when you wrote your narrative, and how did consideration of your audience and your purpose influence the way in which you wrote it?

3. Provide a concrete example from your narrative that shows how you have written specifically for this audience and purpose. (3-5 sentences) Sophia says: Consider including a quotation from your essay and explaining how it was written to appeal to your audience, and to accomplish your purpose. Alternatively, you might describe a theme, tone, or narrative technique that you used and explain how it was intended to appeal to your audience, and to achieve your purpose.

C. Narrative Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your essay meets all of the guidelines. Print this checklist!

Narrative Focus and Flow

❒ Are all of the details in your story relevant to your purpose?

❒ Are the events presented in a logical order that is easy to follow?

❒ Is your story 500-800 words in length? If not, which details do you need to add or subtract?

Narrative Structure

❒ Is there an opening paragraph that introduces the setting, characters, and situation?

❒ Are there middle paragraphs that describe the progression of events?

❒ Is there a closing paragraph that provides a thorough resolution to the story?

Narrative Language and Techniques

❒ Have you incorporated narrative language and techniques (e.g., figurative language, sensory details, dialogue, and vivid description)?

❒ Can examples of narrative language and techniques be found throughout your story, or are they only evident in some places?


❒ Have you double-checked for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and capitalization?

❒ Have you proofread to find and correct typos?

Before You Submit

❒ Have you included your name, date, and course at the top left of the page?

❒ Have you answered all of the “Think About Your Writing” questions?

❒ Is your essay between 500 and 800 words in length (2-3 pages)?

D. Scoring

Your composition and reflection will be scored according to the Touchstone 1 Rubric, which evaluates the narrative focus, narrative flow, narrative structure, narrative language and techniques, use of conventions (grammar, punctuation, etc.), and your answers to the “Think About your Writing” questions above.

E. Helpful Tutorials

Introduction to Narrative

Narrative Techniques

Elements of Narrative

Narrative Language

Writing Effective Narratives

F. Rubric

Advanced (90-100%) Proficient (80-90%) Acceptable (70-79%) Needs Improvement (50-69%) Non-Performance (0-49%)

Narrative Focus

Present a focused, meaningful narrative.

The composition is consistently focused, and details are relevant and specific. The composition is focused and details are relevant and specific. However, a few details and descriptions detract slightly from the focus. The composition is mostly focused and the majority of details are relevant and specific. However, there are several details and descriptions that detract from the focus. The composition does not have a consistent focus. The composition exhibits no evidence of a focus.

Narrative Flow

Tell the story using a logical, smooth sequence of events.

The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition. The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition, with a few minor exceptions. The sequence of events and details is easy to follow throughout most of the composition; however, some areas are poorly sequenced or confusing. The events and details are primarily poorly sequenced and difficult to follow. The sequence of events and details is illogical. Readers cannot follow the progression of the composition.

Narrative Structure

Develop a clear beginning, middle and end.

The composition has a clear and well-developed beginning, middle, and end. The opening paragraph(s) thoroughly introduce the setting, characters, and situation. The middle paragraphs thoroughly describe the progression of events. The closing paragraph(s) provide a thorough resolution to the narrative. The composition has a clear and sufficiently developed beginning, middle, and end. The opening paragraph(s) adequately introduce the setting, characters, and situation. The middle paragraphs adequately describe the progression of events. The closing paragraph(s) provide an adequate resolution to the narrative. The composition has a clear beginning, middle, and end; however one of the three sections is minimally developed. The composition lacks a clear beginning, middle, or end, or two of the three sections are minimally developed. The composition lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end, or all three sections are minimally developed.

Narrative Language and Techniques

Use narrative language and techniques competently.

Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively throughout the composition. Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively in the majority of the composition. Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) effectively in some parts of the composition. Uses narrative language and techniques (e.g., sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) rarely in the composition. Does not use narrative language and techniques (e.g., sensory details, figurative language, vivid description, dialogue, pacing, and plot development) in the composition.


Demonstrate command of standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and usage.

There may be a few negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage. There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage. There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage. There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage. There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

Think About Your Writing

Reflect on the rhetorical situation of the narrative.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following or exceeding response length guidelines. Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple insights, observations, and/or examples. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following response length guidelines. Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers all reflection questions, primarily following response length guidelines. Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers reflection questions inadequately: may not answer all of the questions and/or may not follow response length guidelines. Does not answer the majority of reflection questions or the majority of answers do not follow response length guidelines.

G. Requirements

Your narrative must be 500 to 800 words (approximately 2-3 pages) in length.

Narrative Guidelines and Topic Selection Guidelines must be followed or your submission will not be graded.

Double-space the essay and use one-inch margins.

Use an easily-readable 12-point font.

All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.

Your narrative must be original, and written for this assignment.

Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.

Your submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.

Your submission must include both your narrative and your answers to the "Think About Your Writing" questions.

Submit only a single file that contains all of the assignment components.

Acceptable file formats are .doc and .docx.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My first time Hiking at Cumberland Island National Seashore
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
My First Time Hiking at Cumberland Island
During summer, we had been camping at the shores of Cumberland Island for one week. We decided to hike around trails leading to the undeveloped beaches on the south end of the ocean during the last day of the camp. It was a chilly Saturday morning the ocean raging waves were rushing back and forth in endless motion till they reached the shore. The sandy beaches lay bare and untouched and in their full element. From a distance, we could see fisherman unloading their catch while swimmers and divers battled the raging waves. It was just before sunset, and we could see the beaming sunrays about to grace the vaguely translucent green ocean. People from the various camps were slowly gathering around the blazing bonfire. As soon as all the team members arrived, our guide briefed us on the trail and tracks' nature. Our guide led us through short walks to introduce us to the trails as we warmed up for the multi-day pack full of activities and engaged us in a short warm-up to brace ourselves to trend uphill. There was also a short session to know each other and psyche for the long-awaited day. At 8 am, we set off for the hike led by our guide on a path covered with old ragged oak trees. There were jitters and cheer as we made our way through the thickets. From a distance, we could see the waves as they hit the gigantic rocks on the shore. All the people were enthusiastic, psyched to indulge in all the hurdle...
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