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E-portfolio Research and Writing Sample

Essay Instructions:

The information will be on the pdf. But for this assignment you will need to make portfolio which should be around a page. Then the reflective essay should around 2 pages. The writer will understand more when he reads the assignment. Also I will send the assignment that I completed in the course to use it on the eportfolio.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

E-portfolio Research and Writing
Eportfolio Research and Writing
Portfolio Table of Contents
WRIT2201: Progressive Research and Writing
Subject and References.
1 Global Warming
Blackburn, L. S., & Solutions, I. S. (2017). Health and environmental dangers of SF6-filled switchgear.
Sovacool, B. K., Griffiths, S., Kim, J., & Bazilian, M. (2021). Climate change and industrial F-gases: A critical and systematic review of developments, sociotechnical systems and policy options for reducing synthetic greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141, 110759.
Khan, B., Saleem, J., Khan, F., Faraz, G., Ahmad, R., Ur Rehman, N., & Ahmad, Z. (2019).
Analysis of the dielectric properties of R410A Gas as an alternative to SF6 for high‐voltage applications. High Voltage, 4(1), 41-48.
Wallace, D. (2017, July). The Man Who Coined the Term 'Global Warming' on the Worst-Case Scenario for Planet Earth. New York Magazine, "The Uninhabitable Earth," 3-10.
European Union Law. (2014, May 20). EUR-Lex https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=cerex. 195-230
2 Project Portfolio for E-portfolio
Elizabeth. (2020). E-portfolio case studies & examples. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from
Elsevier. (2005). Database E-portfolio systems: A critical appraisal. ScienceDirect.com Science, health, and medical journals, full-text articles, and books. /science/article/pii/S87554615
Lynda.com. (2017, September 13). Different kinds of e-portfolios. Lynda.com – from LinkedIn. /Digication-tutorials/Different-kinds ePortfolios/594440/657318-4.html
3 Recommendation Report of the SF6
Khan, B., Saleem, J., Khan, F., Faraz, G., Ahmad, R., Ur Rehman, N., & Ahmad, Z. (2019).
European Union Law. (2014, May 20). EUR-Lex https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal- content/EN/TXT/?uri=cerex. 195-230
A good portfolio should always be appealing to the audience to communicate the agenda effectively. Many factors come into play when creating a good portfolio. Regarding my portfolio, I have ensured organization that will help the reader understand and see every piece of information. I have maintained short sentences that are well structured to ensure the reader can easily understand. The issue of accessibility regarding creating a portfolio is very important to note. It allows the reader to go through the portfolio easily and access any referral information added to it. To achieve this, I have ensured the use of unique images to represent some of the portfolio's content. Furthermore, I have ensured the website layout is consistent and easy to follow across different pages. In particular, the memo on global warming and recommendation Report of the SF6 has been of great importance in developing my communication, research, and writing skills. Coming up with a good docu...
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