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How Does The Syndrome Of Multitasking Affect The Relations Between People?

Essay Instructions:

Readings: “The Limits of Friendship” by M. Konnikova
“Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era” by R. Restak
Use the authors' ideas and key terms to spearhead your analysis. Expand your ideas based on the close reading of the essays. Consider the questions and idea quotes that were discussed in class and the questions for critical reading following each text.
Paper should include a title, an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How the Syndrome of Multitasking is Affecting Relationships
Is multitasking something to brag about or is it a pathogen, or for better words, a disease that is eating away our relationships? It is so easy nowadays that when one is reading a book; there is a phone on elliptical that they are checking constantly as the music blares from the system. One is busy surfing the internet, but a magazine is in their hands to which they are considering to be reading. At the same time, they are chatting with somebody else and trying to extract news from the television. For the case of a parent, they will be busy watching their kids while they are responding or sending emails, and at the same time brainstorm about the posts of blogs in case they are bloggers. It is so easy to find someone eating while walking and working at the same time.
This brings the question of if multitasking is a skill or not. Can it be emulated? To a greater extent, someone would easily say yes especially if they are both parents and professionals. They would argue that it is efficient and a way of surviving. They would say that for a person to survive in this messy world, a world of parenthood, professionalism and trying to maintain other relationships with people; one must multitask. The reason given is that it ensures efficiency and as everyone knows efficiency is very attractive. But the question that bulges out is, multitasking is attractive at what expense? If our brains are fractured a great deal at the same time, are the moments being savored?
Multitasking is a syndrome, illness, or for better words a pathogen that keeps splintering people over a spectrum of moments. The result is that it becomes completely impossible for people to give themselves fully to one thing at a time. It is such that when the people now decide that they want to try to commit themselves to one thing at a time, the effects of this syndrome unleashes. People while daring this, become guilty or antsy that there are so many things they could be doing by then that they consider pending. People worry that they are losing ground and speed if they fail to handle the goals. The effect is that we are distracted from this one thing that we are presumably focusing on. Relationships have received this blow as a result.
What people want the most from other people is their lives of which multitasking fails to provide. Be it at work; be it at the family level; be it at a friendship level. People seek the attention and focus of others. For the case of a female parent, for instance, her working team craves for her attention, her children crave for her attention, her husband craves for her attention, her parents and siblings and friends crave for her attention. Each other person in the categories mentioned above wants their attention. For such a parent, it would be quite easy for them to think that they are multitasking to meet the needs of the categories mentioned above when in the real sense, they are accomplishing nothing.
The issue of multitasking has been worsened by the technology advances and other tools that make people think they are hooked in. They get to work, with their smartphones, while at work; they continue to keep in touch with the friends and family to meet the needs of all around them at a time. What people forget is that while doing so, at work they fail to immerse themselves fully to the tasks of the day and to work well with the colleagues and achieve something of quality. While keeping in touch with friends, they fail to do it fully. This is because; there is something much more to humanity as being part of the moment. The children lose track of their parents when they only keep in touch via internet or calls or emails or name them.
Konnikiva Maria, in her not the “Limits of Friendship” points out communication technologies as one of the main reason why human interactions are being limited. Using the studies by Dunbar Robin which she entirely focuses on in her work, says that the researchers found that social media as much as it increases our virtual networking, it fails to enhance people’s strong ties as well as the weak ones –the Dunbar number of a hundred and fifty remains. In the real sense, it is more destructive on the social ties people have. Dunbar says that social media especially facebook has been successful in k...
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