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The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) Collects And Disseminates Information About Outbreaks Of Disease

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CDC Prevention of West Nile Virus
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September 21, 2017
Disease prevention is critical in many levels since any epidemics that could spread could potentially be fatal and disastrous for the human society. This implies the fact that in an innate importance should be given towards our preventive procedures and methodologies for assessment. However, since different epidemics also have different thresholds and ways of propagation, being able to assess this would be the first step that any healthare organization should take in order to prevent these disastrous effects. According to IWH.CA (n.d.), in preventing any disease outbreak it is important to follow the three steps prevention which are the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs. The primary prevention “aims to prevent any injury from occuring”. This means risks mitigation even before the occurrence or the spread of the virus, and this is the most important one among them. However, in cases where the pimary step fails, the secondary prevention is already aimed at reducing the amount of damage and potential damage that the disease could bring. More particularly, secondary preventive procedures are more of a contigency procedure when primary securities are breached. Lastly, we have the tertiary preventive procedure. As compared to the preious two, tertiary preventive procedures are mostly aimed at reducing the impacts that has already been done, mosr specifically the long-lasting impacts. Perhaps a good example of this would be thelong lasting impacts of “agent orange” which is a chemical dropped by the US in Vietnam, which is still causing deformations and genetic mutations until today, decades after it was dropped. Nonetheless, this aricle would be dedicated towards an investifgative prevention of the West Nile Virus and how to prevent it in all of the three levels which are stated above. The author of this article would serve as the “chief investigator” and act as if a potential virus has or would spread and how to prevent its impact.
The West Nile Virus
According to Danis, et al. (2011), the established procedure in preventing the WNV prmarily is by assessing the potential risks populations and having outposts which are dedicated towards evaluating if a potentialoutbreak is likely to happen. By having this communications network as well as the people who would always monitor the signs of infection, the risks of a bigger spread for the disease could be mitigated. Aside from this their article also discussedhow the WNV could spred through birds, bats, mosquitoes, and even other aniumals. Their maijn population of study was Greece, and ths this the potential of o...
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