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Comparing The Motivation Of Akihabara Massacre And Inafu By Miyazaki Tsutomu

Essay Instructions:

Select three key terms from each column(in uploaded file) except the following terms: Mori Ogai, kabuki, Comic market and Akihabara.

The essay shall include a clear thesis.

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Comparing the motivation of akihabara massacre and inafu by miyazaki Tsutomu
Japan is one of the countries with the lowest crime rates in the world, but Japan continues to experience brutal and random killings that have raised concerns by . The Akihabara massacre and the shocking incident of the Little Girl Murderer are two examples that have been recently highlighted as the worst cases of murder (Bradley, 2015). Even though Japan enjoys low crime rates, random killings are perpetrated by people with different motives. In an attempt to make sense of these murders, we need to analyze some of the motives of these cases.
The Akihabara massacre
Akihabara district is a shopping area in Tokyo famous for electronics and other consumer products, in June 2008 a driver deliberately drove into the pedestrian area stopping at the exit and attacking more victims by stabbing them with a knife. Seven people died on the spot while ten people were severely injured before the attacker was arrested, Tomohiro Kato the 27 years old was the person responsible for the murder (Fukuda, 2015).
According to Fukuda, (2015), such crimes are often perpetrated by mentally unstable teenagers with the number rising for the last five years. In Kato's case, the psychiatric test indicated that he did not have any mental problem and was responsible for his crime.
Motivation behind the murder
Tomohiro Kato was a casual worker at a repair factory, he had been posting messages using his mobile phone bulletin board, three days before he commit the murder, and he had claimed that someone hid his work clothes. He was upset about his clothes disappearing at the factory and left his workplace without informing anyone. He later decided to quit his job. He believed that he was going to lose his job. Frustrations may have triggered the attack (Fukuda, 2015). Kato posted messages from his mobile phone website revealing his intention. Kato constantly posted messages on the bulletin board, but some of the notable ones included him posting about having to quit work because he did not have a girlfriend (Suter, 2016).
He stated that he would not have been addicted to his mobile phone “anybody with hope could not understand how I feel and I do not have a single friend, and I will not be in future" (Fukuda, 2015). He stated that people ignored him because he was ugly, he felt lower than trash because at least trash is recycled. Kato continued writing on his bulletin board from the time he purchased a dagger and rented a 2-ton truck and 20 minutes before he committed the crime
(Fukuda, 2015).
What is interesting is what was retrieved from his m...
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