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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Most Exciting Moment of My Life

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. If sources are cited they must be in APA format. Your response should be a maximum of two (2) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.
The essay writing process: You will write the first draft of a two-paragraph essay plus a conclusion. You may choose one of these essay topics: The career I hope to follow; a special or unusual person; the best or worst teacher I ever had, or the most exciting event in my life. You will be graded on the following:
1. A clear thesis statement (10 points)
2. Two topic sentences (one for each paragraph) that express the main idea (15 points each for a possible total of 30 points)
3. The body of each paragraph: Each paragraph should be comprised of a topic sentence (#2 above), supporting details in body sentences (relevant to the topic sentence), and a concluding sentence (20 points each for a possible total of 40 points)
4. The conclusion (10 points)
5. Be sure to proofread carefully, including spell-checking. (10 points).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Most Exciting Event in my Life
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The Most Exciting Event in my Life
I have engaged in several events in my life, but the best was during interschool athletes when I was in my senior high school level. These competitions were held per term, and being an athletics fan, I never failed to participate, although a series of poor performances constantly lowered my morale. Our learning institution hosted the event, and we were under pressure to record a good performance. I recorded my best personal performance in athletics on that day and made my family and friends proud, who attended the event.
I recorded the best personal performance in the interschool competition, scooping two awards in one event. One award was for my overall best performance, and the second was for the personal best results I ever achieved. Contrary to my personal assessment, my teachers and fellow students believed that I was the best to represent the school in the interschool sports in 1500 meters steeplechase. I had failed in previous years, with the best performance being a third runner-up after an opponent was disqualified for gross misconduct on the pitch. Based on my slowly sinking morale due to previous poor performance, our school coach encouraged me a day before the event's material day. Their encouraging words made me set a new record surpassing my expectation. This performance was the beginning of ...
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