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Social Economic Organizations and Community Economic Development

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video before doing the question B: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=h4irMd3pZdM
Question B (15 points)
a. Describe Hudson’s three approaches to social economy organizations.
b. Explore the case of Toast Ale via the links below then identify which of Hudson’s categories best fits. Defend your response.
Homepage: https://www(dot)toastale(dot)com/
Impact Report: https://www(dot)toastale(dot)com/uploads/files/1647857751ToastAleImpactReport2021.pdf
Financial Filings (click on ‘Total Exemption Full Accounts’ from 2022 for latest): https://find-and-update(dot)company-information(dot)service(dot)gov(dot)uk/company/09926808/filing-history
Length: Approximately 400 words.
Question C (15 points)
You are students in a unique MBA program, one that focusses on CED. When you talk with friends or relatives about your program, most people likely understand what an MBA is, but probably less so the CED component.
Imagine you are writing a letter to your mother (or sibling, cousin, high-school friend) about the program. They have asked you what the program is all about and what is different from a conventional MBA. In your response, make sure you explain what CED is, how it is connected to business skills (accounting, marketing, finance, etc.), why you think it is important, and provide a quick example of CED in practice.
Length: Approximately 400 words.

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Social Economic Organizations and Community Economic Development
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Question B (a)
According to Hudson (2019), the Neo-liberal approach advocates for the privatization of the public sector, lowering income and taxes and removing market price controls. In the welfare approach, the social enterprises try to fill in holes created by the capitalist economy through the identification of societal needs and meeting those needs. The social enterprise aims at filling the gap between the public sector and the economic sector by forming a social safety net. The welfare approach does not focus on profits but rather on the welfare of the public in the economic sector. The social democratic approach illustrates a social organization that overlooks the welfare of the public sector but still upholds capitalism by supporting political democracy.
The alternative approach also known as the alternative approach advocates for a peaceful transition of a society from capitalism to socialism. It advocates for state regulation of the economic sector rather than state ownership and control of the economy. The alternative approach upholds economic activity that prioritizes social purpose over profits by upholding different sets of values in the economic sector. The alternative approach also accepts the mainstream capitalist approach by competing with other corporations and organizations in the economic sector. Comparatively, the post-capitalist approach demonstrates a state whose economic sector cannot be categorized as capitalist. The post-capitalist approach describes the social economy as disruptive and results in a post-capitalist future. The radical approach aim at redefining and re-imagining the economic sector and the social sector and how they are related to each other.
Question B (b)
Hudson’s alternative approach is applied in the Toast Ale beer organization because the firm generates profits that are redistributed back to the society through charity entities. This is even though it is facing competition from other companies. Toast Ale utilizes surplus bread to replace barley bread to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming. The use of surplus bread by Toast Ale has cut down the amount of food wasted by half, which results in free land and reduces freshwater use and emission of greenhouses gases. Toast Alhasve donated over 81 million pounds back to the charity to fund systemic change and engage people in positive conversations to reflect on promising actions for the planet.
Toast Ale social organization provides an open-source recipe and collaborates with other corporation to sell their vision of reducing global warming by dealing with capitalism. The organization also works with nature and the environment by processing, manufacturing, and packaging its products. The beer is packaged in recyclable glass bottles and aluminum cans and ...
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