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Essay Instructions:
Additional information What is your moral responsibility, if any, as a citizen of an affluent nation toward alleviating severe poverty in the world? Discuss your answer in light of your career choice and living style as well as actions you might take. (p. 565) I am taking a degree in Nursing. My life style is the normal life of a mature woman. I amdedicated to work in the health field and to study to obtain my degree/masters as practitioner nurse. Your Name PHI2010 Prof. Munns Homework Assignments SAME INSTRUCTIONS 1. Assignments: The following assignments will be graded in accordance with the Gordon Rule Rubric. 2. Format: Your answer to each question should be 1 typed, double-spaced pages. Your name, the course number, and the instructor's name should appear in the upper left corner of the first page (see above). The title (yes, you must have a title) should be centered above the first paragraph. No cover sheets, title sheets or report covers will be accepted. All papers must be stapled. An appropriate 12 point font, such as Times New Roman, should be used. Margins should be 1 inch. 3. Content: Your answer should be written as a cohesive essay with an introduction and conclusion. The thesis should be stated in the introduction and supported by the paragraphs in the body of the essay. Be sure that you have answered the entire question and supported your answer with examples, analogies, facts, etc. 4. Sources and References: No sources other than the text books are required. Your paper must contain appropriate in-text citations for any information that you directly quote or paraphrase'even if it is taken from your text books. Any work cited must be included on the bibliography,which does not count as one of the required pages. Proper APA style should be followed for citations and the bibliographic references.
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Prof. Munns Homework
Moral responsibility has a concept that implies that an individual is liable for praise, blame and or punishment for the actions they take towards a certain activity or event. The individual is in charge of the actions she takes and all other elements of decision-making are constant in the situation the individual is in. moral responsibility is important in that it sets standards for people for example, in business, institutions, in careers and professions among others. I am a dedicated and committed citizen of an affluent nation. I lead a normal lifestyle of a mature woman. Severe poverty has increased in most of the countries despite the fact that many countries are growing. Poverty would refer to as the situation where most citizens have their basic human needs and rights disgruntled (Boss, 2009). The characteristics of poverty include illiteracy, decreased life expectancy, dependency and ill health among others. Therefore, I being a mature female nurse will discuss my moral responsibility and actions that I can take in efforts to eradicate poverty in the world.
Poverty is...
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