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Compare and contrast nature in the Chinese and native american cultures

Essay Instructions:
Select a topic such as Love, War, Friendship, Gender, nature, sexuality. Compare and or contrast how your selected topic is presented in TWO different cultures such as Indian, Chinese Islamic, Native American etc. Do the various cultures have similar attitudes ?. Discuss similarities and/or differences. What conclusions do you draw from your findings? @
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Nature in the Chinese and Native American Cultures
Nature in the Chinese and Native American Cultures
Nature comprises of flora, fauna and other components in the physical world. According to research, nearly all communities relate to nature in one way or the other. Though their relation to nature may not be the same, communities have particular beliefs about different components of nature (Native American, n.d.). Therefore, this paper is going to look at the contrast and comparison of nature in the Chinese and Native American Cultures.
Similarities and Differences
Chinese and Native American culture have similar and varying perceptions about nature. The similarity or differences about nature originated from their cultures and way of living of their fathers. Though the western culture has tried to influence these two cultures, the two communities still hold dearly to some of their traditions, beliefs and values. Therefore, this essay will present the similarities and differences in there believe and values about nature (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2012; Huntington, 2011).
Native Americans and Chinese both value nature. They esteem nature and regard it with the highest respect. The reason behind this is that nature is attached to their religious beliefs. Research shows that the Native Americans belief that the spirits are usually related to the nature. Native Americans have this concept that there is a spirit of nature and it has an effect in the way people live. Because of these religious beliefs, Native Americans find it hard to cut, kill or destroy nature because they associate some of the plants with certain spirits which have a positive influence in the life of human beings. They are connected to nature and relate sacredly to it. They believe that man and nature should exist together in unity and harmony. The continued reference and respect for nature is seen by their asking of permission before they hunted and killed any animal (Huntington, 2011).
The Chinese, just like the native Indians respected nature and valued it. They are known to be conservatists rather than destroyers of nature. Like the Native Americans the Chinese associated nature with spiritual beliefs. Research shows that mountains were said to have some spiritual power. The mountains that had caves or openings in it were said to be doors that enabled people to access the spiritual realm. They associated mountains with paradise and avenue to reach the world of the spirits. Furthermore, in the Common Era, people visited the mountains in order to clean their spirits. Studies reveal that most o...
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